- The connection between common law and Roman law. 第一节:论证英美法和罗马法的联系。
- The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law. 近现代地上权肇端于罗马法。
- In Roman law two levels of diligence were recognized. 在罗马法中,有两种等级的谨慎。
- The Roman law was too complicated and scattered by then. 当时罗马法律既繁又乱。
- He had been deposed because of his defiance of Roman law. 亚那因为违抗罗马的法律而被罢免。
- The superficies of Roman law was just embryonic form of modern one. 罗马法的地上权制度仅仅是现代民法地上权制度的一个雏形。
- Under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery. 根据罗马法规定,向主人投降是成为奴隶的正当理由。
- Confarreation was in Roman law the oldest and most solemn form of marriage. 共食婚是罗马法中最古老,最庄重的结婚仪式。
- Roman jurist whose chief work, the Institutes, is a major source of information on Roman law. 盖阿斯罗马法学家,其主要著作罗马法典是罗马法所依据的主要信息来源
- Crpus Juris Civilis was a code on Roman law compiled by Justinian in Byzantine in the6 th century. 民法大全》是公元6世纪东罗马皇帝查士丁尼主持编纂的一部法典。
- The ancient Roman law concisely explains justice: ius est ad alios ("the law refers tothe other"). 古罗马的法律清楚地揭示了公正的含义:“ius est ad alios”(涉及他人的法律)。
- The private law tradition beginning with the Roman law entails profound humanism spirit. 自罗马法开始的私法传统中,包含着深厚的人文主义精神。
- Warranty against defects of title originating from Roman Law is inherited by many countries civil law. 罗马法关于追夺担保责任已在十二铜表法中作了规定,渊源为按察官诉权。
- Roman law continued and where order evolved served as the basis for the development of property rights. 罗马法得到了继承,而且那里的秩序地发展成了产权发展的基础。
- His magisterial study of Roman law is likely to be the standard book on the subject for many years. 他对罗马律法的权威性研究可能是多年来论述这个问题的典?性作品。
- Between the 5th century and the 10th century, the authority of Roman law collapsed completely. 自公元5世纪到公元10世纪的时间里,罗马法的权威完全失落了。
- The Roman law of the middle age was prospective when the 14th century approached in the district of Deutschland. 罗马法在德意志地区兴起的过程开始于公元14世纪,这实际上是外来罗马法文化在德意志地区得到认同的过程。
- Tomkis&Jencken: Compendium of the Modern Roman Law, Gaunt,Inc,Reprint 2000, 1st edition,page81. 波恩.;魏德士
- However, by stealing and running away from Philemon, Onesimus had both broken Roman law and cheated his master. 然而欧尼西慕捲款潜逃的举动,不但违反了罗马法,也欺骗了主子腓利门。
- But the evolution of Roman law is evolutional process, which is the evolutional history during Roman republic time. 但罗马法的发展存在着一个流变的过程,这就是共和国时代罗马法演进的历史。