- Robert Edward Bredon 裴式楷(1846-1918),英国人,曾在华任海关官员,曾任中国海关代理总税务司。
- Throughout the American history, many well-known generals and presidents were graduates from the West Point Military Academy, such as Robert Edward Lee, Ulysses Grant, Douglas Mac Arthur, and Dwight David Eisenhower. 在美国历史上,许多著名的将领和总统都毕业于西点军校,如李将军(北战争期间的同盟军总司令)格兰特(国第十八任总统)道格拉斯·克阿瑟将军(二次世界大战期间远东美军总司令)及艾森豪威尔(国第三十四任总统)都毕业于西点军校。
- Bredon, Robert Edward 裴式楷
- Even some scientists feared that Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards might have brewed pestilence in a petri dish. 甚至连某些科学家也担心,斯特普托及爱德华斯可能从培养皿中酿出了祸害。
- Edward is the big daddy of our golf club. 爱华德是我们高尔夫球俱乐部里的重要人手。
- R.Burnett,Francis Edward Faragoh,Robert N. 片名:小霸王编剧:W.
- Giselle:Robert! Oh, this is Clare. She saw Edward. 吉赛尔:罗伯特!这是克莱尔。她看见爱德华了。
- Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。
- Robert and Mary have become parents. 罗伯特和玛丽已经当了父母。
- Edward wanted to see his churchman right away. 爱德华想立即见他的牧师。
- King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。
- Mr Robert has been examining his house for cracks. 罗伯特先生在检查他的房子,看看是否有裂缝。
- The thief's real name was John Smith, alias Edward Ball. 这小偷的真名是约翰史密斯,化名叫爱德华鲍尔。
- Robert's contribution should also be remembered. 罗伯特的贡献同样应该久志不忘。
- Robert was shocked almost to dumbness. 罗伯特被惊得哑口无言。
- Robert Frost was the most American of American poets. 罗伯·佛洛斯特是最具美国风格的美国诗人。
- Edward is now even with the man who put him in the wrong. 爱德华现在向诬陷过他的人报复。
- Robert received a brittle reception there. 罗伯特在那里受到冷淡的接待。
- Robert has been employed in the car company for twenty years. 罗伯特受雇在该汽车行工作已有20年了。
- It's a little complicated ... this is Rachel Edward of computer ... 说来有一点复杂 ... 我是Computer的RachelEdwards。