- But one fan, Gil Renard (Robert De Niro), is about to bend those rules. 波比三成一的击中率,更令基尔附首称臣。
- He loves all the biggest international actors: Robert De Niro, Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman. 他喜欢所有的国际巨星:例如,罗伯特.;德尼罗,达斯汀
- Robert De Niro has to get the FBI off his case, the mob off his trail, and Charles Grodin off his back! 午夜狂奔剧情介绍,午夜狂奔简介,获得奖励,精彩对白,幕后制作花絮,穿帮镜头
- Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington, Robert De Niro, Sean Penn, Michell Pfeiffer..... worth checking out. friends 最后两季我没怎么看。这小女孩的演技很好。跟她一起演的,都是大牌.
- Mike: Look, I'm still thinking about becoming an actor you know. I mean, I doubt that Robert De Niro's parents would have hassled him if he brought home those grades. 迈克:哦你们知道,我仍然在考虑去当个演员。我是说如果罗伯特德尼罗,把这种成绩带回家,他父母就不和他吵。
- Like her longtime acting cohort Robert De Niro, Meryl Streep is known for her ability to disappear inside her characters, transforming herself physically to meet the demands of her roles. 梅丽尔.;斯特里普,象她多年的老搭档罗伯特*德尼罗一样,以隐身于角色的千面演员著称,她能依所饰角色的需要完全改变自己的形象。
- Nick Wells (Robert De Niro) is ready to retire from crime.He'll settle down with his girlfriend, Diane (Angela Bassett), and focus on running his legitimate business: a Montreal jazz club. 纵横盗窃界二十多年的名贼尼克(罗拔迪尼路饰)准备金盘洗手,他期望可与相处六年的女友戴安过著奉公守法的正常生活,他憧憬著打理在蒙特利尔开设的爵士乐会所度过馀生。
- Robert De Niro Al Pacino Heaven Can Wait 天堂可以等待
- Favorite Moviestar: Robert De Niro Favorite Music: Blues and Light Rock Favorite Singer: Eric Clapton 最喜欢的电影明星:罗伯特·德·尼罗最喜欢的音乐:布鲁斯与轻摇滚最喜欢的歌星:艾力克·莱普顿
- Robert De Niro 劳勃·狄·尼罗
- Looks like De Niro isn't going to own a paper after all? 看来德尼罗到最后还是不能用拥有一家属于自己报社了吧?
- Are you and Woo the De Niro and Scorsese of Hong Kong gangster movies? 你与吴宇森是不是就好像罗伯特德尼罗和马丁史柯西斯合作黑帮电影?
- Walt Koontz (De Niro) - - once a hero cop, now a security guard - lives in a rundown Hell's kitchen tenement. 一日,华士岂料突然中风,右边身体瘫痪,更导致言语上的困难。
- Audiences enjoyed De Niro as a handsome plumber in the 1985 classic Brazil and a man who awakens from thirty years of sleep in Awakenings (1990). 观众们颇为喜爱罗伯特?德?尼罗在1985年的经典电影《巴西》中所饰演的帅气水管工人,以及1990年的《睡人》中那个沉睡了三十年后醒过来的角色。
- De Niro founded a production company called the Tribeca Film Center, with the goal of promoting New York film production. 为促进纽约电影制片业的发展,德尼罗成立了一家名为“翠贝卡电影中心”的制片公司。
- The flag-stone whereon,in the presence of the Dauphin,Marcel strangled Robert de Clermont and the Marshal de Champange? 马塞尔在太子的面前,杀害罗贝尔·德·克莱蒙和香帕尼元帅,那现场的石板今在哪里?
- Now, before you celeb gawkers set up lawn chairs along Michigan Avenue hoping for a glance of De Niro, let's keep a few things in mind. 那么作为一个狂热影迷,在你到密歇根大街上摆好草坪躺椅、期望能看一眼德尼罗之前,有几件事需要记住。
- Robert De Nero, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt. There's a lot of great actors in Korea, too but to say one would be hard. 罗伯特,德尼罗,丹泽尔.;华盛顿,和布拉德
- Sir Robert de Lesseps: As any mule in Christendom - but if you are the man to ride her, there are rubies in the saddlebag. 好得跟别的基督徒马厩里的马没两样。当然,如果是你骑她,你只消看着她马具口袋里塞满的珠宝也就是了。
- "I saw the beast running through the park with a woman behind him, him grabbing her forearm," eyewitness Robert De Jonge told NOS radio. 不知道什么时候开始,这头大猩猩拉着一名女游客的胳膊向前跑起来,然后又见它趴下身去凶狠地啃咬着女游客的身体。