- In mid-March, new clusters of Rift Valley Fever cases occurred. 在3月中,发生了新的聚集性裂谷热病例。
- Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) continue to occur in Sudan. 人间裂谷热病例在苏丹持续增加。
- Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in Sudan have decreased continuously in recent weeks. 在苏丹,人间裂谷热病例数量最近几周内开始不断下降。
- Many different species of mosquitoes are vectors for the Rift Valley Fever (RVF) virus. 许多不同种类的蚊子是裂谷热病毒的媒介。
- Reported outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) among animals began on 18 January 2007 with the first human case reported at the beginning of February 2007 in Arusha region. 报告的动物中裂谷热疫情始于2007年1月18日,在阿鲁沙省于2007年2月初报告了第1例人间病例。
- As of 27 December 2006, 32 cases and 19 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (Case Fatality Ratio 59.4%) have been reported in the flood-affected areas of Garissa district. 截止2006年12月27日;已报告在加里萨县水灾地区发生32例裂谷热病毒病例和19例死亡(病死率59.;4%25)。
- Now certain is that the Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever virus and Rift Valley fever virus has been excluded, not the cause of the causes of death. 现在可以确定是,埃博拉病毒、马尔堡病毒、拉沙热病毒以及裂谷热病毒已经被排除在外,不是导致死亡的原因。”
- This review introduces the latest progress in etiology, epidemiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis treatment and prevention for Rift Valley Fever and West Nile Fever. 摘要本文就裂谷热及西尼罗热的病原学,流行病学,临床表现,诊断,治疗及预防作扼要阐述。
- There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease, Rift Valley fever and Peste-des-petits ruminants in China. 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热和小反刍兽疫。
- There have never been Scrapie, Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, African horse sickness, African swine fever, Vesicular stomatitis, Lumpy skin disease and Rift Valley fever in China. 中国境内从未发生过痒病、牛海绵状脑病、非洲马瘟、非洲猪瘟、水泡性口炎、结节性皮炎、裂谷热。
- As of 12 January 2007, 220 suspected cases, including 82 deaths of Rift Valley Fever virus (case-fatality ratio 37.2%) have been reported in North Eastern Province and Coast Province, Kenya. 截至2007年1月12日;在肯尼亚东北省和滨海省报告了裂谷热病毒220例;包括82例死亡(病死率37.;2%25)。
- The Kenyan Ministry of Health is carrying out clinical case management, and Rift Valley Fever wards have been established in Garissa Provincial Hospital as well as in Ijara district. 肯尼亚卫生部正在开展临床病例管理,并且在加里萨省立医院和在伊贾拉县设立了裂谷热病房。
- The orevention and control of rift valley fever 裂谷热的预防与控制
- Rift Valley Fever in the United Republic of Tanzania 坦桑尼亚联合共和国的裂谷热
- Ocular complications of Rift Valley fever outbreak in Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯暴发的rift山谷热的眼部并发症
- Recombinant baculovirus expressing Rift valley fever virus glycoprotein 重组杆状病毒表达裂谷热囊膜蛋白的研究
- Study on DNA immune of envelope protein gene of Rift Valley Fever Virus 裂谷热病毒囊膜蛋白基因DNA免疫的研究
- We are descending into the Galapagos Rift Valley. 我们现在朝向加拉巴戈斯裂谷沉下。
- and with Rift Valley fever, which crossed the Red Sea from East Africa to the Arabian peninsula for the first time in 2000. 裂谷热也是这样,它于2000年首次从东非越过红海,进入阿拉伯半岛。
- The rift valley is a classic example of a divergent plate boundary. 裂谷是一个典型的例子一个不同的板块边界。