- The control efficiency with sprays of 30% DT or 15% triadimefon WP at rice boot stage was higher, the damage of FSR could be controlled. 田间试验结果表明,在水稻孕穗期,喷施30%25DT和15%25粉锈宁可湿性粉剂,对稻曲病有较高的防治效果,可控制稻曲病的危害。
- The results of experiments by Inoculating pathogen of FSR at different developmentalstage of rice showed that the rice boot stage was infection period of FSR. 通过水稻不同生育时期接种试验,初步明确了水稻孕穗期是稻曲病的侵染时期。
- Rice booting stage 水稻孕穗期
- Late season drought coinciding with the rice booting to heading stage affects the development of plant height, panicle exsertion, and flag leaf size, and causes significant yield loss. 水稻后期干旱条件下, 株高、剑叶长、剑叶宽以及包颈程度都会受到一定影响, 并导致产量的进一步损失。
- Fig.2 Boot stage,note plasmodesmata,mitochondrions,ribosomes and dictyosome. 图2孕穗期,示胞间连丝(一端似乎与内质网相连)、线粒体、核糖体和高尔基体。
- Fig.1 Boot stage,note the swellen plasmodesmata and numerous ribosomes. 图1孕穗期,示中部膨大的胞间连丝和游离在细胞质中丰富的核糖体。
- Twelve varieties of wheat treated with waterlogging at booting stage and their yield characters were analysed. 对12个小麦品种(系)孕穗期遭受湿害后的产量性状进行了分析。
- Water recovery during the jointing stage to booting stage could promote R/S, but increasing degree related to the duration of water limitation. 拔节期至孕穗期复水对根的促进作用大于冠,干物质向根分配的比例增加,R/S提高,但提高的程度与复水前水分胁迫的历时有关。
- The relative humidity of CK is higher than that of treatments from tiller peak stage to booting stage in the day, while it is contrary from full heading stage to filling stage. 分蘖高峰期到孕穗期CK白天群体相对湿度大于处理,齐穗期到灌浆期处理群体相对湿度大于CK。
- The effective control measure is on the basis of adapting rational agricultural management to stress chemical control by mainly use of cupric fungicide at the end booting stage. 防治上采取以农业防治为基础,加强在水稻孕穗末期的药剂防治,以含铜制剂为主,其它药剂为辅的防治措施,能取得好的防治效果。
- In the tiller stage, the nitrogen accumulation quantity of high nitrogen treatment was obviously higher than that of low nitrogen treatment, but it was reverce after the booting stage. 在同一施氮水平和施氮方式下,增施钾肥有利于提高生育后期对氮的吸收。
- Effects of Drought on Rice Grain Indices at Booting Stage 水稻孕穗期干旱对籽粒性状的影响
- The results also showed that waterlogging affected 32P absorption, transportation and distribution in wheat at booting stage, and speeded up senescence of root system consequently. 同时,孕穗期土壤渍水逆境严重影响根系吸收、运输和分配32P的能力,从而加速了根系衰老。
- The results showed that: two uptake peaks of nitrogen and potassium appeared at the tilling and booting stages. 结果表明,中优752在整个生育期中均有2个吸氮、吸钾高峰期,分别是分蘖盛期和孕穗期,分别占总吸氮量的41.;71%25、35
- It was observed that the application of nitrogen fertilizer at booting stage could increase glutenin content markedly, which was favorable for the improvement of wheat processing quality. 孕穗期施氮可以明显提高子粒麦谷蛋白的含量,有利于小麦加工品质的改善。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- After harvest we will have a mass of rice. 秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。
- cold tolerance at the booting stage 孕穗期耐冷性
- He threw away all the junk in the boot of the car. 他把汽车行李箱中所有废弃的旧物都扔了出去。