- "Ich habe schon mit elf Jahren meine Familie in Ribeirao Preto verlassen, um beim FC Santos zu spielen. “自从我离开我在里贝郎-普来图的家,去FC桑托斯踢球已经11年了。
- Vida Nua features a Barro Preto dress. 生活Nua编集功能巴罗普雷托衣服。
- Founded at the end of the 17th century, Ouro Preto ( Black Gold) was the focal point of the gold rush and Brazil's golden age in the 18th century. 欧鲁普雷图镇(意思是黑色黄金)建于17世纪末期,它是18世纪淘金热和巴西黄金时代的主要见证。
- Located about 100 kms from Belo Horizonte you will find the charming city of Ouro preto (which means "Black Gold"), a colonial city with great churches and impressive pieces of work. 位于约100公里;离贝洛奥里你会发现迷人的城市欧鲁普雷图(意思是"黑色黄金");是一个殖民地城市;伟大的教堂和可观件工作.
- A typical, recent case was the plea for a Coca-Cola bottling agreement filed by a Brazilian named Paulo Pereira Ignacio, who wanted to open a Coca-Cola plant in the town of Rio Preto (pop. 23,972). 最近一个典型的案例是,一个名叫保罗.;佩雷拉
- Sao Jose do Rio Preto 普雷图河畔圣若泽
- Preto 普雷托