- Rhine Action Programme 莱茵河行动计划
- The new objectives will be discussed at a briefing held by the Waste Resources and Action Programme and Environment Minister Joan Ruddock. 新的目标,将讨论在新闻发布会举行的浪费资源和行动计划和环境部长琼铎。
- UK environmental watchdog the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is to refocus its priorities as it faces a 25 percent budget cut next year. 英国环境监测废物和资源行动计划( WRAP的)是重新确定其优先事项,因为它面临着预算削减百分之二十五明年。
- A 10-year Action Programme based on the anticipated work in the identified action areas was drawn up in 1996,having regard to experience gained in an initial pilot action area. 在初步选定的试验行动区取得经验后,当局在一九九六年就鉴定行动区的预期工作定出一个十年行动计划。
- A 10-year Action Programme based on the anticipated work in the identified action areas was drawn up in 1996, having regard to experience gained in an initial pilot action area. 在初步选定的试验行动区取得经验后,当局在一九九六年就鉴定行动区的预期工作定出一个十年行动计划。
- The Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap) has announced that Stella Artois, the Belgian beer, has become the first alcoholic drink signatory of the Courtauld Commitment. 废物及资源行动计划(总结)今天宣布,斯特拉大满贯,比利时的啤酒,已成为首家酒精饮料签字的考陶承诺。
- Mark Barthel, Special Adviser to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), stated that he was delighted with the number and quality of entries to this year's Environment Awards. 马克日常生活,特别顾问废物及资源行动计划( WRAP的)中指出,他很高兴的数量和质量的条目今年的环境奖。
- FAO Action Programme for Prevention of Food Losses 粮农组织防止粮食损失行动方案
- The Rhine is navigable from Strasbourg to the sea. 莱茵河从斯特拉斯堡入海这一段可以通航。
- HELIOS; Action Programme on Essential Drugs; 必需药品行动纲领;
- Where is the source of the Rhine? 莱茵河发源于何处?
- voluntary emissions control action programme 自愿控制排放计划
- France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine. 法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤。
- Where does this stream merge into the Rhine? 这条小河在什么地方与莱茵河合流?
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。
- The River Rhine rises in Switzerland. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 庞大的空军和海军部队开始行动了。
- Concrete Action Programme for the Problems of the Aral Sea; 咸海问题具体行动纲领;
- NRI; National Forestry Action Programme Support Unit; 国家森林行动方案支助股;