- Rhamnus grandifloran. 大花鼠李
- The identity of Rhamnus ussuriensis J. Vass. 乌苏里鼠李的名实问题。
- Study on pharmacognosy of Magnolia grandiflora L. 荷花玉兰的生药学研究。
- Study on tissue culture of Magnolia grandiflora L. 荷花玉兰组织培养的研究。
- Rhamnus obovatilimba Merrill &F. 页梅特卡夫。
- Study on Collecting and Processing of Platycodon grandiflora A. DC. 桔梗的采收加工研究。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Godetia grandiflora Lindl. 古代稀的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America,the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料。
- Definition: Cascara consists of the dried, whole or fragmented bark of Rhamnus purshianus D. 本品为鼠李科植物珀希鼠李Rhamnus purshianus D.
- Content: UV separation gene, Portulaca grandiflora seed oil, moisture gene and Lemon oil. 成份:紫外线隔离因子、太阳花仔油、保湿因子、柠檬油。
- Morphology, taxonomy and distribution of the genus Rhamnus L. (Rhamnaceae) in the north eastern China. 中国东北鼠李属植物形态、分类与地理分布.
- A buckthorn(Rhamnus purshiana) native to northwest North America, the bark of which is the source of cascara sagrada. 药鼠李树原产北美洲西北部的一种药鼠李树(珀希鼠李鼠李属),其树皮是药鼠李皮剂的原料
- Several characters in flowers of Zephyranthes grandiflora were investigated, and various variation were detected. 摘要首次报道了韭兰的多种花被裂片数目、雄蕊数目及其它变异类型。
- A student of Phidias, his most notable work was the colossal marble statue of Nemesis at Rhamnus. 为菲迪亚斯(Phidias)的学生,最著名的作品是拉姆诺斯(Rhamnus)的奈米西斯(Nemesis)巨型大理石雕像。
- METHODS:Animal experimental method was used to evaluate the cam psis grandiflora sprays effect to anti-inflammation analgesia. 方法:用动物实验的方法评价凌霄花喷雾剂的抗炎镇痛止痒作用。
- The main plant distribute on moving dune are Aneurolepidium chinense, Cleistogenes chinensis, Arundinella hirta, Ulmus macrocarpa, Rhamnus davuricum. 固定沙丘分布的主要植物为羊草、中华隐子草、野古草,大果榆、鼠李等。
- CONCLUSIONS:Campsis grandiflora spray could be used for part pa in,ticking and swelling is which stung by mosquito and insect. 结论:凌霄花喷雾剂对于临床蚊虫叮咬所致局部痛、痒、肿、胀可以发挥治疗作用。
- This paper deals with the study on morphology and histology of the fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. var, grandiflora Nakai. 本文应用扫描电镜等较先进的实验研究方法;对水栀子(大花栀子Gardeniajdsminoides Ellis.;var
- The instability of morphological variation in flower of Z. grandiflora might be related to transposable genetic element. 花形变异的不稳定性可能与转座遗传因子有关。
- OBJECTIVE:To study the therapeutic effect of c ampsis grandiflora spray on the part pain,ticking and swelling which is stung by mosqutio and insect. 目的:研究凌霄花喷雾剂用于蚊虫叮咬所致局部红肿痒痛的药效。