- An audit is conducted by investigating revenues and expenditures. 审计的客体是财政、财务收支。
- Budget at various levels shall maintain a balance between revenues and expenditures. 第三条各级预算应当做到收支平衡。
- The accounts of revenues and expenditures shall be made public without delay for supervision by the residents. 收支帐目应当及时公布,接受居民监督。
- A foreign-capital enterprise shall achieve by itself the balance of revenues and expenditures in foreign exchange. 第五十六条外资企业应当自行解决外汇收支平衡。
- The budgetary revenues and expenditures take Renminbi yuan as the calculating unit. 第十一条预算收入和预算支出以人民币元为计算单位。
- Accruals: Revenues and expenditures recognized as earned or incurred and recorded in the financial statement of the periods to which they relate. 应记项目,应计收支额:已认定并记入相应时期财务报表的收到或发生的支出。
- Accruals Revenues and expenditures recognized as earned or incurred and recorded in the financial statement of the periods to which they relate. 应记项目,应计收支额已认定并记入相应时期财务报表的收到或发生的支出。
- Article 18 The National Audit Administration shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of the Central Bank. 第十八条审计署对中央银行的财务收支,进行审计监督。
- The basic medical insurance fund may only be used for its specific purpose. It may not be embezzled or misappropriated nor used for balancing financial revenues and expenditures. 基本医疗保险基金要专款专用,不得挤占或者挪用,不得用于平衡财政收支。
- There were so many controversies produced since the passage of 1999 version of the Law Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures. 摘要财划法从1999年修正以来争议不断,主要原因来自于统筹税款先依比率后依公式的分配方法。
- Revenue and expenditure are balanced. 收支平衡。
- This year, the National Audit Office organized audit institutions at various levels to audit the revenues and expenditures of sectors of industrial and commercial banks and construction banks of the country. 今年,审计署统一组织各级审计机关对工商银行、建设银行系统财务收支进行了审计,
- For the past several years,audit institutions at various levels,serving to the needs of deepening monetary reform and rectification,have carried out audits of revenues and expenditures of monetary institutions. 近几年,各级审计机关围绕深化金融改革、整顿金融秩序,认真开展金融机构财务收支审计。
- This year,the National Audit Office organized audit institutions at various levels to audit the revenues and expenditures of sectors of industrial and commercial banks and construction banks of the country. 今年,审计署统一组织各级审计机关对工商银行、建设银行系统财务收支进行了审计,
- To explore the way for the truthfulness-focused financial audit of enterprises,audit institutions at various levels have actively carried out audits of the revenues and expenditures of state owned enterprises on a trial basis. 为了探索企业财务收支真实性审计的路子,近年来,各级审计机关积极开展了国有企业财务收支审计的试点。
- For the past several years, audit institutions at various levels, serving to the needs of deepening monetary reform and rectification, have carried out audits of revenues and expenditures of monetary institutions. 近几年,各级审计机关围绕深化金融改革、整顿金融秩序,认真开展金融机构财务收支审计。
- To explore the way for the truthfulness-focused financial audit of enterprises, audit institutions at various levels have actively carried out audits of the revenues and expenditures of state owned enterprises on a trial basis. 为了探索企业财务收支真实性审计的路子,近年来,各级审计机关积极开展了国有企业财务收支审计的试点。
- When necessary, audit institutions may conduct audit and inspection on relevant items in the budgetary revenues and expenditures in the current budget year or in past budget years. 必要时,审计机关可以对本预算年度或者以往预算年度财政收支中的有关事项进行审计、检查。
- To establish and maintain a system of internal controls and accounting provides the most effective control of the Company's assets, revenues and expenditures, and accurate and timely reporting. 为最有效控制公司资产、收入和支出、并准确及时提供报告,建立和保持一个内部控制系统和财务系统
- The proposals will affect the ongoing amendments of the Local Government Act and the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures, which will require adjustment. 影响所及,目前研修中的地方制度法及财政收支划分法,都将重新调整;