- He came to the party, but didn't really enter into the spirit of it. 他前来参加聚会,但是并没有真正与大伙儿一起欢度时光。
- Oprah.com) -- Every day I remind myself to return to the spirit of feasting. 每天我都要提醒自己重新带上大餐精神。
- The action goes counter to the spirit of democracy. 这一行动是与民主精神背道而驰的。
- We hope that the Olympic Games will be increasingly pure,and return to the spirit of "Faster,Higher,and Stronger"! 希望奥运会纯洁、干净,回归到奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神上来。
- We hope that the Olympic Games will be increasingly pure,and return to the spirit of'Faster ,Higher ,and Stronger'! 希望奥运会纯洁、于净,回归到奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神上来!
- We hope that the Olympic Games will be increasingly pure, and return to the spirit of "Faster, Higher, and Stronger"! 希望奥运会纯洁、干净,回归到奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神上来。
- Wang Ping: We hope that the Olympic Games will be increasingly pure, and return to the spirit of "Faster , Higher , and Stronger"! 王平:希望奥运会纯洁、于净,回归到奥林匹克“更快、更高、更强”的精神上来!
- Return to the Spirit of Place 重回城市的场所精神
- Let him return to the place whence he came. 让他回到他所来的地方。
- Criminals often return to the scene of the crime. 罪犯常回到犯罪现场。
- Let's return to the subject of my holiday. 我们返回关于度假的话题吧。
- Let's return to the topic of commission, shall we? 让我们回到佣金的话题上,好吗?
- Let's return to the subject of camels. 咱们还是回到骆驼的话题上来吧。
- In case of nondelivery, return to the sender . 如无法投递,则归还寄件人。
- Now she returned to the subject of juvenile delinquency in that country. 现在她又回过来讲那个国家少年犯罪的问题。
- She would bless the kingdoms allowing the spirit to return to the wild that was held captive in the head or antlers used in this manner. 她会祝福因为头颅和鹿角要被如此应用而被猎杀的王国,让这些灵回到山野。
- He is released on payment of£3,000 as a guarantee that he will return to the court to face trial. 他在付了3,000英镑作为保证返回法院面对审判后被释放。
- He returned to the fold at his 80's. 他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。
- He had evidently returned to the spot of the crime. 他显然曾回到过犯罪现场。
- In case of nondelivery, return to the sender. 如无法投递,则归还寄件人。