- Retail of other culture goods 其他文化用品零售
- Sales of other consumer goods also rose. 其他消费品的销售量也增长了。
- Most of these motifs are familiar from the lives of other culture heroes such as Romulus, Moses, and Jesus. 大多数这些主题都与其他文化的英雄,比如罗穆卢斯,摩西和耶稣比较接近。
- The culture of a nation has a set of etiquette patterns that distinguishes it from those of other cultures. 每个族的文化有不同于其他族文化的礼仪规范。
- We must consider the feelings of other people. 我们必须顾及他人的感情。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 让我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- He talked of other cultures asif they were more familiar to him than his own. 他谈论其他文化时仿佛他对其他文化比对自己的文化还要熟悉。
- This is perhaps because as minorities they know much more of American culture than the mainstream Americans know of other cultures. 或许这是因为作为少数民族,他们熟谙美国文化,而主流美国人对于其他文化却知之甚少。
- How should the retail of tea do on the chance? 茶产品零售业怎样面对机遇?
- His essay was a hotchpotch of other people's ideas. 他的文章是把别人的想法拼凑在一起的大杂烩。
- The sense confidence must not be accompanied by a sense of superiority; one must be open and receptive to the merits and values of other cultures. 自信与优越感不一样,大家应该以开放态度容纳其他文化的优点与价值观。
- I prefer the taste of chicken to that of other kinds of fowl. 我比较喜欢吃鸡而较不喜欢其他种类的家禽。
- Does anyone doubt that we live in an age of incivility, of distrust of other cultures? 有人怀疑过我们处在一种粗野、不信任其他文化的时代里?
- We are interested in the retail of steroid hormone powders. 我公司对零售类固醇激素粉末感兴趣。
- Chinese cultural elite is someone who can appreciate and articulate the essences of Chinese culture with confidence and passion without putting down the values of other cultures. 华文知识分子与文化精英,必须能了解与欣赏中华文化精华,对它充满热爱与自豪,可是他绝不贬低或瞧不起其他文化。
- In the course of things men of other ideas came to rule. 按事物的循环,总是由有新思想的人起来执政。
- If and when legacy itself becomes trivialized or forsaken, as it has been, then this process becomes a rootless emulation of other cultures. 如果当遗产本 身,正如现在一样,变得琐碎和被受忽略,复兴就会变成一个无根地模仿其他文化的过程。
- Little by little workers of other shops were also drawn in. 其它车间的工人也一点点地被卷了进来。
- A Chinese cultural elite is someone who can appreciate and articulate the essences of Chinese culture with confidence and passion without putting down the values of other cultures. 华文知识分子与文化精英,必须能了解与欣赏中华文化精华,对它充满热爱与自豪,可是他绝不贬低或瞧不起其他文化。
- He is quick at spying the faults of others. 他敏于发现别人的错误。