- Resource Price Mechanism 资源价格机制
- Study on the Price Mechanism of Software Products II. 软件产品价格机制研究2。
- Make water resource price is linchpin of water resource optimize distribution and keep continuable development. 制定水资源价格是实现水资源优化配置,维持持续发展的关键。
- On the other hand, an accommodative monetary environment will help promote the resource price up. 另一方面,宽松货币环境仍将有助推动资源价格上行。
- The legal mechanism of market price is the core of legalized market price mechanism. 市场价格的法律机制是法律化了的市场价格机制的核心。
- If our economy were entirely competitive and there were no restrictions at all, then the market forces, or price mechanism, would operate freely. 如果我们的经济是完全竞争的,不存在任何制约因素,那么市场力量或价格机制将自由运作。
- The economic contents of water resource price are composed of water resource protection cost, water resource compensation cost and water resource characteristics expense. 水资源价格的经济内容包括:水资源保护费用、水资源补偿费用、水资源的品质费用。
- To bring about this change, price mechanisms were a key instrument. 要达到这项转变,设立收费基制是重要的一环。
- The world LNG resource is introduced,the traditional and new LNG trade modes and their characteristics are analyzed,and the new LNG trade pricing mechanism is discussed. 介绍了世界LNG资源,分析了传统与新兴LNG贸易方式及其特点,探讨了新兴LNG贸易定价机制。
- The accounting value mechanism is a substitution of the market price mechanism and has the function of passing information and offering incentives. 会计价值机制是对市场价格机制的替代,具有传递信息功能和激励功能,二者不可分割。
- Tragically, love isn't as effective as price mechanism in allocating resources.The chance of instantaneous sparkles lasting a life time is minuscule. 不过,资源配置最优化不是爱情的长处,爱情常常使人把一分一秒错觉成今生今世;
- In the paper, the price mechanism of regulating the retailer’s purchase price was taken to equipoise the both parties’ profit in the supply chain. 通过调节零售商采购价格的激励机制,调节供应链中供求双方的收益。
- Twenty years ago, after OPEC's members failed to agree on a price mechanism, the Saudi oil minister of the day, Sheikh Yamani, predicted a glut. 二十年前,当敬佩克成员国没能就价格机制达成一致意见时,当时的沙特石油部长亚马尼酋长预言了石油的产量过剩。
- The key to solving the problems in highway and bridge charges is to reestablish the charge system and the relevant price mechanism. 解决路桥收费问题的关键是整合路桥收费资源及其由资源组成的价格机制。
- Price mechanism is one of the most important ones in market, which is used as the indicator and weatherglass in National Economy. 价格是市场机制中最重要的机制,在国民经济中起着指示器和晴雨表的作用。
- Water resource pricing model is to measure price of the water resource, which uses model to calculate the amount paid to the owner for right to use the water resource. 资源水价模型就是量化水资源价格的模型,它是通过模型来推算为获得水资源使用权而支付给水资源所有者的货币量。
- Students of economics have to avoid the error of thinking that a price mechanism must work chaotically if it is not controlled by somebody. 经济学学生必须避免一个错误思想:在不受控制的情况下,价格机制一定是混乱无序的。
- Accordingly, establishing agile price mechanism is the inevitable trend that traffic carrying trade gets used to socialist market economy. 因此,建立灵活的价格机制是交通运输业适应社会主义市场经济的必然趋势。
- Perfect commissariat price mechanism, also be to push two fundamental change, deepen the serious content that current system reforms commissariat. 完善粮食价格机制,也是推进两个根本转变,深化粮食流通体制改革的重要内容。
- "China fertilizers on the reason for resource products, such as levying export tariffs in particular, the important reason is that these products not to form a reasonable pricing mechanism. “我国之所以要对化肥等资源性产品加征出口特别关税,其重要原因是这些产品还没形成合理的价格形成机制。”