- The floods damaged numerous residential houses. 洪水冲毁了许多的家园。
- Chaozhou residential houses have strong local characteristics. 潮州民居极富地方特色。
- And do you think Chaoyang residential houses are pretty? 潮阳的民居漂亮吗?
- Know about the features of residential houses in the Chaozhou and Shantou area. 了解潮汕民居的特色。
- There once existed a city hall, a church and 1000 residential houses. 曾有市政厅、教堂、医院及1000幢民居,人口3000以上。
- Xidi village: The museum of Chinese ancient residential houses in Ming and Qing Dynasties. 中国明清民居博物馆。
- Residential houses are made of timber; most have a screen wall in front and some have a quadruple courtyard. 住宅的房子由木材制成,多数有一屏墙壁在前面,并且还有一些有着四倍大的庭院。
- Consumption figures also exclude spending on residential housing. 消费数据同样也将居民住房支出排除在外。
- Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of the residential houses. 私家园林大多数建造在住宅的一侧,或者在后面。
- Since the 1980s more than 300,000 sq m of old residential houses have been rebuilt in Lhasa, and 5,226 households have moved to new dwellings. 八十年代以来,仅拉萨市对旧民房的改造就完成了30多万平方米,有5226户居民迁入新
- Residential houses built at the foot of green hills in Zhaxigang Village, Lulang, Nyingchi Prefecture. 林芝地区鲁朗镇扎西岗村的村民在自己家中接待游客。该村是当地有名的旅游村。
- Chinese architecture ranges from temples, gardens, mausoleums, pagodas and imperial palaces to residential houses. 中国建筑涉及寺庙,园林,陵墓,塔,宫殿,住宅等。
- Practicability: suitable for villas, communities, gardens and residential houses. 实用性:适用于别墅、小区、花园、居民房使用。
- Then we went in for large scale construction of urban residential housing. 然后我们就进行大规模城市住房的建设。
- Since the 1980s more than 300,000 sq m of old residential houses have been rebuilt in Lhasa,and 5,226 households have moved to new dwellings. 八十年代以来,仅拉萨市对旧民房的改造就完成了30多万平方米,有5226户居民迁入新居。
- This decoration company offers to create first-class decoration and to make the residential houses and commercial Buildings douBly comfortaBle. 该装潢公司提出,要创一流装潢水平,要把住宅、办公楼装潢得令人倍感舒适。
- The 1#,8#,29#,30# buildings of Jiaxing Zixi Garden have a gross floor area of 36245.6m2 and are 18F Rahmen high-rise residential houses. 嘉兴市紫溪花园1%23、8%23、29%23、30%23楼,总建筑面积36245.;6平方米,为18层框架结构高层住宅楼。
- We have on the shelf designs for residential houses, commercial building, transportable houses, and motels to suit your needs. 我们有多种架上展示的设计,如居住用房、商业建筑、移动房屋、汽车旅馆可满足你的需要。
- Article V. The rent of cheap renting residential houses is regulated by the government. The specific price limit should be decided according ..... 第四条县级以上地方人民政府价格主管部门是廉租住房租金的主管部门,依法对本地区廉租住房租金实施管理。
- Old residential houses built water heaters, they should consider their brand, recency, is the gas or electricity could be personally try to see how water temperature. 旧小区的房屋自带热水器的,要考虑其品牌、新旧程度、是燃气的还是用电的,不妨亲自试用一下,看看水的温度如何。