- IBON Foundation, a socioeconomic research think tank placed the estimates of foregone revenue from tariff reduction at P100 billion a year. 一社会经济研究智库IBON基金会估计,从降低关税所减少的岁入一年达1000亿披索。
- The evaluation of teaching feedback showed that this teaching form can foster in nursing students concept and abilities of EBN, and enlighten nursing students and nurses scientific research thinking. 92.;8%25以上的学生和老师认为;将循证护理运用于临床护理教学查房中;可增强学生循证护理实践意识、主动参与能力、获取信息能力、评判性思维能力和启发学生护理科研意识。
- The theory of gas geology is applied to study the prob lem of gas unusual gush at first,and set-ting up systematic research thinking and method of gas geology in the low gas mines. 首次运用瓦斯地质理论研究低瓦斯矿井瓦斯异常涌出问题,形成了系统的低瓦斯矿井瓦斯地质规律的研究思路和方法。
- Researchers think it is more probable that the two magma sources are mixing. 研究人员认为,两种岩浆来源互相混合是较有可能的解释。
- Laughter mainly comes in two types, researchers think: voiced, and unvoiced. 研究人员认为,笑主要有两种类型:有声和无声。
- The summarize of research think, when want to avoid causing to the desire of eating, should eat the food of a little high charcoal water chemical compounds every two hours, in order to reduce the blood sugar level in the body. 研究总结认为,要避免引起对抒缓情绪食物的欲念,就应该约每两小时吃一点高炭水化合物的食物,以降低身体内的血糖水平。
- The research thinks that the mainly component of Nanpu sags volcanic rocks is mid-subsiliceous rocks. 研究认为南堡凹陷火山岩按成分以中基性岩为主。
- A when the United States chairs federally the most comprehensive research thinks: Intake of optimal of daily vitamin C is 200 milligram. 美国联邦政府主持的一项最全面的研究认为:每日维生素C最理想的摄入量是200毫克。
- Some researchers think these cancer stem cells have the ability to divide and change into other types of cells. 有些研究人员认为这些癌症干细胞有能力分裂以及变成其他种类细胞。
- The research thinks that it is advantageous to improve the efficiency of winging educational investment to extend the school scale moderately. 本研究认为,适度扩大学校规模将有利于提高教育投资使用效率。
- PROF.: Do the researchers think their new discoveries will be put to practical use? 研究工作者是否认为,他们的新发现将会投入实际的应用?
- Now some researchers think some of the "missing" genes may be found in the teeming populations of microbes we host. 现在一些研究者认为一些“丢失”的基因可能会在种类繁多的以我们为寄主的微生物中找到。
- Haller.Based on the changes observed at six months, the researchers think the T regs may restrain the immune system. 根据在六个月中观察到的变化,这些研究人员认为T调节细胞可以抑制免疫系统。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- Researchers think that immunotherapies could be less toxic to patients than chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 研究人员认为,免疫疗法对患者的毒性要低于放化疗。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- The researchers think that cortisol causes the body to resist the effects of insulin, so blood glucose go up. 研究人員認為皮質醇使得身體抵抗胰島素的效力,因此血糖上升。
- The research thinks, Agro-mechanization Service Industrialization is an availability path to realize Agro-mechanization under the Family -Contract-Management system. 研究认为,农机服务产业化经营是在家庭承包经营体制下,实现农业机械化的有效途径。
- Did you make any headway in your research work? 你们的研究工作有进展吗?
- TUESDAY, May22( HealthDay News)-- Worried about jet lag? Researchers think they might have just the ticket to perk you up: Viagra. 担心会发生时差综合症吗?学者认为他们可以帮你解决这一问题:伟哥。