- Independence of investment research analysts and insider trading. 投资研究分析家的独立以及内部交易等事项授权制定的规则.
- ST estimate based on data from market research analysts In-Stat, Nexus and Yole Development. 如果您需要获得更多信息,请从"相关主题"菜单中选择适当的联系方式。
- "They're able to improve the products much faster than anyone else," said Forrester Research analyst Ted Schadler. “他们能远远超过其他任何人更快的改进产品,”福利斯特研究公司分析托德舒德尔称。
- Consolidation is 'good for the industry,' said Citi Investment Research analyst Gerwin Ho in Hong Kong. 花旗投资研究(CitiInvestmentResearch)驻香港分析师GerwinHo说,整合对汽车业有好处。
- In my present position as Research Analyst at SeaNet, my primary role is ascertaining the needs of client networks. 我现在是Seanet网络公司的研究分析师,主要工作是了解客户对网络的需求。
- Mr.Galvin on Wednesday said he is concerned that now the trading arms on Wall Street are putting undue influence on research analysts to win business. 盖文周三说,他担心现在华尔街的交易部门向研究分析师施加了过度的影响来赢得业务。
- Investment company Cross Research analysts of Shakespeare's's and concentrated, clows (the cross): “ cost reductions are effective, and gradually takes on a positive impact. 但是整体而言,柯达仍然处于转型时期,所以如果消费者不购买商品,它仍然会面临一定的压力。”
- Situation in which a research analyst at an investment bank works for the underwriting department for a corporate client. 投资银行的研究分析师越界为公司客户的提供本银行承销部门服务。
- The goal of the program is to prepare students for entry into high-quality PhD programs, consulting research analyst positions and careers. 该计划的目标是准备为高品质的博士课程入学学生的,咨询研究分析师的职位和职业。
- Morgan Stanley China equity research analyst at the Department of Lou Okazaki in a report last week that Chinese real estate market exists the possibility of collapse. 摩根士丹利中国股票研究部分析师娄冈上周在一份报告中指出,中国房地产市场存在崩溃的可能性。
- David Mazel, a research analyst, thinks people like meetings because 'you can stay busy without accomplishing a thing.' He says 'having gone to the meeting is the work. 麦凯的说法有助于回答这样一个问题:如果人人都如此讨厌开会,为什么还要开那么多的会?
- After suffering deep gashes to her leg from an accidental fall,Esther (Marina de van),a young research analyst,becomes preoccupied with her body and skin,especially her wounds. 不遇。不留。青春是一道暗伤,谁都无能逃避。眨眼,回眸,原来已经落于身后。
- Los Angeles, a research analyst at Thornburg believes that allowing the California bankruptcy, California and the stakes are too high for the U.S. economy. 洛杉矶一家研究机构的分析师索恩伯格认为,任由加州破产,对于加州和美国经济来说赌注太高。
- Defences are available to exonerate journalists and financial or research analysts who may have innocently reported the market misconduct and innocently received a benefit for such conduct. 假如新闻工作者、财经分析人员和研究人员在不知情下报道了市场失当行为,并在不知情下从中获益,他们可以提出免责辩护而获得豁免。
- "There was an increasing interest in these tools last year,which I foresee continuing into this year,with a possible explosion of buying in'97," said Alexis dePanque,a research analyst at Meta Group. Meta集团的研究分析员Alexis deqlangue说:“去年人们对这些工具的兴趣在增加,我预计今年将会继续增加,到1997年这些工具的购买量可能有一爆炸性的增长。”
- "There was an increasing interest in these tools last year, which I foresee continuing into this year, with a possible explosion of buying in '97," said Alexis dePanque, a research analyst at Meta Group. Meta集团的研究分析员Alexis deqlangue说:“去年人们对这些工具的兴趣在增加,我预计今年将会继续增加,到1997年这些工具的购买量可能有一爆炸性的增长。”
- To help us draw the line, in the 1960s, research analyst Mollie Orshansky created the basic formula that the U.S. still uses to determine the amount of money sufficient to live on. 为了帮助我们划清界限,在20世纪60年代,调查分析师MollieOrshansky创建了基本公式--美国现在还是用该公式来计算满足生活的金额。
- Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- Did you make any headway in your research work? 你们的研究工作有进展吗?