- Reproductive health promotion 生殖健康促进
- Health promotion and injury prevention. 促进健康和预防损伤。
- It is also necessary to develop industries related to reproductive health. 发展生殖健康及其相关产业。
- Promoting Family Planning with Quality Services for Reproductive Health. 实施计划生育与生殖健康优质服务。
- Young women were lack of the knowledge about reproductive health care. 研究对象的生殖健康保健知识较低。
- Organize health promotion activities by site and GE corporate initiatives. 组织工厂的健康促进推广活动。
- By 2010, reproductive health care service will be accessible to all the people of childbearing age. 到2010年,实现育龄群众享有基本生殖保健服务。
- A new report has been released about sexual and reproductive health education for young people around the world. 一份关于对全世界年轻人进行性和生殖健康教育的新报告已经公布。
- The student health service places emphasis on health promotion,disease prevention and continuity of care. 学生健康服务的重点是促进健康、预防疾病及持续护理。
- One of the major themes of safety and health promotion in 1999 was'Good Housekeeping in the Workplace'. 一九九九年安全及健康推广活动的一个重要主题是"良好工作场所整理"。
- It says that better reproductive health can reduce poverty and build economic growth. 它说,生殖健康的改善可以减少贫困产生经济增长。
- One of the major themes of safety and health promotion in 1999 was 'Good Housekeeping in the Workplace'. 一九九九年安全及健康推广活动的一个重要主题是"良好工作场所整理"。
- Broad masses of women were entitled to good reproductive health care service. 85% of pregnant and lying-in women were well cared for in the national health care institutions. 广大妇女享有良好的卫生保健服务,孕产妇保健覆盖率达到85%25。
- Health promotion and disease prevention programmes are delivered to women aged 64 or below at the three Woman Health Centres. 卫生署属下三间妇女健康中心,为64岁或以下的妇女提供促进健康和预防疾病的服务。
- Promoting quality service for family planning and reproductive health care in a comprehensive way. 全面推进计划生育、生殖健康优质服务。
- Aims: To exchange ideas with the oversea academics and schools on school health education and health promotion. 目的:与世界各地健康促进及健康教育的专家、学者及教育工作者交流推广健康促进及健康教育之经验。
- Focusing on technical services, the quality of care reproductive health services on fertility, contraception and infertility should be delivered to the people. 以技术服务为重点,围绕生育、节育、不育做好生殖保健服务。
- This charter, known as the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion,remains as the backbone of health action today. 这个宪章,就是渥太华健康促进宪章,作为健康的主要部分依旧在今天发挥着作用。
- On Oct.6-11, 2003, the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on reproductive health was held in Bangkok, Tailand. 200 3年 10月 6 - 11日在泰国曼谷召开了第二届“亚太地区的性和生殖健康及权利”会议。
- The Student Health Service places emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and continuity of care. 学生健康服务的重点是促进健康、预防疾病及持续护理。