- Reportable Item File 应上报项目档案
- Select the report item to which you want to add a background image. 选择要为其添加背景图像的报表项。
- From the Toolbox, drag a table report item to the design surface. 在“工具箱”中,将表报表项拖动到设计图面。
- A report item on a report layout that displays data in a columnar format. 报表布局中以分列格式显示数据的报表项。
- These images can then be used in an image report item or as a background image. 然后,这些图像就可用在图像报表项中,或者用作背景图像。
- Specify style and dimensions for a line report item in the report layout. 在报表布局中指定线条报表项的样式和维度。
- Describes text box report items. 介绍文本框报表项。
- The report itemizes 23 different faults. 报告列举了23处错误。
- A report item on a report layout that displays data in a variable columnar format. 报表布局中以可变分列格式显示数据的报表项。
- In the next procedure, you will prepare a place in the table to add the subreport report item. 在下一步中,您将在表中准备一个地方以添加子报表项。
- The rectangle stays in place next to the data region, and the report item stays within the rectangle. 该矩形将停留在紧邻数据区域的位置,而报表项则会包含在矩形中。
- The report item must be a text box in the same grouping or containing grouping as the current list. 该报表项必须是与当前列表位于同一分组或包含分组中的文本框。
- Choose this option to indicate that another report item can change the visibility of the list. 选择此选项则表示其他报表项可以更改列表的可见性。
- Type or select the name of the report item that the user can click to change the visibility of the current list. 键入或选择报表项的名称,用户单击该报表项即可更改当前列表的可见性。
- You can hide any report item, including groups, columns, or rows in a table or matrix. 您可以隐藏任何报表项,包括表或矩阵中的组、列或行。
- To add a chart, drag the Chart report item from the Toolbox onto the report layout. 若要添加图表,请将图表报表项从工具箱拖到报表布局中。
- To apply borders through the toolbar, select the report item, table, or matrix cell. 若要通过该工具栏应用边框,请选择报表项、表或矩阵单元。
- Any rectangle larger than the report item and which overlaps more than 90 percent of its area becomes a container for the report item. 任何大于报表项并且其90%25以上的区域与报表项重叠的矩形框都将成为报表项的容器。
- To run the Image Wizard, in Report Designer, switch to Layout view and drag an Image report item from the toolbox onto the report design surface. 若要运行图像向导,请在Report Designer中切换到“布局”视图,并将一个图像报表项从“工具箱”拖至报表设计图面中。
- Represents the collection of text boxes for the report item, such as the text boxes contained within a table data region, page header, or page footer. 表示用于报表项的文本框(如表数据区域、页眉或页脚中包含的文本框)集合。