- Repeat exactly what he said. 把他所说的话正确地重覆一遍。
- She told me exactly what he said, word for word. 她一字不差地告诉我他所说的话。
- Please tell me exactly what he said. 请准确地把他的话告诉我。
- I don't remember exactly what he said,but I shall try to recall it. 我记不清楚他说过什么,但我将追想一下。
- "With Flavio it actually works well, he says exactly what he thinks. “和弗拉维奥一起工作很好,他直接地说他所想的事情。
- Asked to repeat exactly what the injury was, he said "torn ligament." 有人希望他说得更明确一点到底是什么伤,他说“韧带撕裂”。
- It is embarrassing to repeat what he said. 若要重复他说过的话,会很尴尬的。
- I rewound it on my DVR and watched it again. I'm not sure exactly what he said, but he definitely dropped an F-bomb. 我都倒了一遍带子,然后又重新看了一遍。我不是很清楚他说了什么,但是他肯定用F打头的话骂人了。
- "Kieron Dyer rang me up to let me know exactly what was going on and I'll never forget what he said. "凯隆.;代尔给打电话告诉我正在发生的一切,我永远也忘不了当时他说的话。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- Don't be a goosey.Why, the doctor told me this morning that your chances for getting well real soon were - let's see exactly what he said - he said the chances were ten to one! 瞧,医生今天早晨还告诉我,说你迅速痊愈的机会是------让我一字不改地照他的话说吧------他说有九成把握。
- Wooten said the lad also knew exactly what he was doing. 伍德说那个小家伙确切地知道他正在做些什么。
- The old wove what he said into a complicated story. 那位老人把他说的编成了一个复杂的故事。
- The painter had painted exactly what he saw. 画家精确地画出了他所看到的事物。
- Would you repeat what he said at the meeting? 您能重复一遍他在会上的讲话吗?
- He's a kind of unofficial adviser, but I'm not sure exactly what he does. 他像个非官方的顾问,但说不好他究竟是干什麽的。
- Her negligent tone was exactly what he desired. 她那种随随便便、漫不经心的口气正是他所希望的。
- I am merely reporting what he said. 我只是转述他的话。
- The truth of what he said suddenly burst upon me. 我突然领悟到他所说的是确实的。
- What he said is a facile remark. 他说的话全是信口开河。