- Renshen Lurong Boluses 人参鹿茸丸
- Objective: To establish the fingerprint chromatogram of Compound Renshen Injection (CRSI). 目的 :研究复方人参注射液的色谱指纹谱测定方法。
- Objective Determination and quality control of Paeoniflorin in Lurong Shengxin Capsules by RP-HPLC. 目的采用高效液相色谱法测定鹿茸生新胶囊中芍药苷的含量以控制该制剂的质量。
- These boluses frequently produce unwanted respiratorydepression and hypotension. 这种注射给药常会产生意想不到的呼吸抑制和低血压。
- Marks are generally difficult to remove, the tattoo is on the cover of Renshen Wen Xiao Duzi, or caesarean section scar. 痕一般都难以除去,纹身主要是遮盖小肚子上的妊娠纹,或者剖腹产疤痕。
- Lurong and a branch of Luo migrated to Chenhan.Silla founded Korea on the basis of Xinluo and Xinluo culture is the mainstream of Korean culture. 三危是三苗、氐羌、巴人活动之地,楚国卢戎源自三危,卢戎和罗氏的一支渡海迁徒到辰韩,新罗在辰韩基础上建国,新罗文化是韩国文化主流。
- Objective To investigate the quality control of Shengmai Oral Liquid for Renshen priscription and Dangshen priscription. 目的考查人参方及党参方生脉饮的质量情况。
- Abstract: Objective: To observe the effect of "Renshen Yangrongtang" on the absorptive function of striated border on intestinal mucosa of aged mice. 摘 要: 目的:观察中药人参养荣汤对老龄鼠小肠粘膜纹状缘吸收功能的影响。
- So cute. So pretty! She's 9 this year and she's a catwalk model for children's collections and her name is Bolu Guo! 好可爱!她今年9岁,叫郭柏鹭,是儿童服装模特儿!
- The mice in EG were fed with Renshen Yangrongtangs,and the mice in CG were fed with distilled water daily for 4 weeks. Their samples of jejunum were dyed with ALP, LAP and ATPase. 灌胃4周,取空肠组织进行碱性磷酸酶(ALP),亮氨酸氨肽酶(LAP),腺苷三磷酸酶(ATPase)染色。
- Objective To study the effect of Renshen Yangrong decoction (RYD) in protecting membrane fluidity of mitochondrion in brain and liver of D-galactose induced subacute senile mice. 目的研究人参养荣汤对亚急性老化小鼠肝、脑细胞线粒体膜流动性的保护作用。
- Yuxing Hotel is a business hotel featured by catering, entertainment and accommodation.It is situated in the city center of Kunshan, at the crossing of Hexing and Bolu Roads. 昆山誉兴大酒店是一家三星级的商务型酒店,地处昆山市中心,毗邻火车站,距沪宁高速出口仅2公里,交通十分便捷。
- Boluses of either pancuronium (0.5-1.0 mg) or rocuronium (5-10 mg) were administered to maintain a moderate level of neuromuscular block If visual responses at the adductor pollicis to TOF stimulation of the ulnar nerve,. 手术结束后;重度阻滞的(T0F刺激1或2个反应)者用新斯的明Zmg加阿托品1 .;Omg拮抗;轻度阻滞的(TOF刺激3个反应)用新斯的明lmg加阿托品0
- Objective To study the effect of Renshen Yangrong decoction (RYD) in protecting morphology and structure of mitochondria in brain and liver of D-galactose induced subacute senile mice. 目的研究人参养荣汤对亚急性老化小鼠肝、脑细胞线粒体形态结构变化的保护作用。
- Steamed Cuttlefish Boluses with Fungus 茶树菇蒸墨鱼丸
- Priest Huang Bolu Was from Haimen, Jiangsu Province 黄伯禄神父是江苏海门人
- Liang Shahe Liu Yan Zhu Xiaojun Gu Bolu 刘艳朱筱俊
- Keywords HPLC;Lurong Shengxin Capsules;Paeoniflorin;determination; 鹿茸生新胶囊;芍药苷;含量测定;
- Wang Guoping Chen Qirui Guo Lurong(Institute of Information Optics); 四川大学信息光学研究所;
- Keywords Diabetic Nephropathy/Chinese Medical Therapy;@ Lurong Pill; 糖尿病肾病/中西医结合疗法;鹿茸丸;