- Renminbi exchange rate risks 人民币汇率风险
- The renminbi exchange rate should also be able to respond more to the underlying trends in external trade. 此外,人民币汇率亦应可以因应外贸基本趋势作出更大的回应。
- There are ways of hedging against the exchange rate risk. 有多种方法可以降低汇率风险。
- This year China will ensure continuously rapid growth of the national economy,and maintain the stability of commodity price and Renminbi exchange rate. 今年中国将确保国民经济继续快速增长,确保物价稳定和人民币汇率稳定。
- In the days and months to come, financial markets worldwide will be watching the movements of the renminbi exchange rate closely. 在未来的一段日子里,全球金融市场将会密切关注人民币汇率的变动。
- There will, I am sure, continue to be large flows in and out, for as long as the reform of the renminbi exchange rate system is still on the agenda. 我深信只要有关人民币汇率制度的改革仍然是市场关注的焦点,就继续会有大的资金流入及流出港元。
- The Peoples Bank of China is right in taking a gradual approach in releasing further information about the new renminbi exchange rate regime. 中国人民银行以渐进原则发布有关新的人民币汇率形成机制的资料,是适当的做法。
- Increasing political pressure for a more flexible renminbi exchange rate in the second half of last year, for example, affected Hong Kong. 举例来说,去年下半年要求内地采纳更灵活的人民币汇率政策的政治压力不断增加,香港亦受到影响。
- In any case, the timing for a change in renminbi exchange rate policy and, of course, what form the change will take are very open questions. 无论如何,人民币汇率政策改变的时间以及改变的形式都是未决的议题。
- Potential financial-stability issues associated with changes to the renminbi exchange rate must be considered with great care. 人民币汇率变化会为金融稳定带来潜在问题,大家务须谨慎考虑。
- With the pegged renminbi exchange rate at its heart, China has pursued growth based on exports and the investment to support them. 以人民币汇率盯住美元为核心,中国一直寻求以出口为基础的增长,并以投资为其提供支撑。
- Following a non-equilibrium approach, Chapter 5 expatiates on the determinative mechanism of Renminbi exchange rate and its macro implication. 第5章讨论现有汇率制度及其微观市场安排下人民币汇率的决定机制,并分析汇率制度的宏观效率。
- Exchange rate fluctuates frequently, rising and falling uncertainly.Exchange rate risk became one of the most important financial risks. 汇率波动的频率与幅度越来越大,汇率风险成为金融市场上最重要的风险之一。
- Leaving aside the financial crisis of 1997-98, the reform of the renminbi exchange rate regime is comfortably the monetary event of the decade in this region, if not the world. 若撇开1997至98年的金融危机,完善人民币汇率形成机制改革应该是亚太区近十年来最重大的金融事项。
- Identifying the interest rate risk as well as foreign exchange rate risk exposures. 识别利率风险和外汇风险的程度
- Another paper presents empirical estimates suggesting that changes in the renminbi exchange rate in effective terms can affect the Mainlands external trade. 另外一篇文章进行了实证分析,显示人民币有效汇价的变动会对内地外贸产生影响。
- This year China will ensure continuously rapid growth of the national economy, and maintain the stability of commodity price and Renminbi exchange rate. 今年中国将确保国民经济继续快速增长,确保物价稳定和人民币汇率稳定。
- Translation Exposure The exchange rate risk associated with companies that deal in foreign currencies or list foreign assets upon their balance sheets. 换算风险业务牵涉外币或资产负债表中含有国外资产的公司承受的汇率风险。
- The bid invitation documents shall prescribe the exchange rate standards and exchange rate risks. Where there is no such provision, the exchange rate risks shall be born by the bidders. 招标文件应当对汇率标准和汇率风险作出规定。未作规定的,汇率风险由投标人承担。
- The internationalization of RMB can bring revenue of seigniorage, decrease exchange rate risk, increase international influence and some other benefits. 一国货币的国际化程度是本国经济在世界经济中地位的重要体现。