- See? I told you it would remain a mystery. 看到了吗?我告诉过你它将是一个不解之谜。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- His death has remained a mystery. 他的死仍是个谜。
- The cause of the fire still remained a mystery. 这场火灾的起因仍旧是个谜。
- The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery. 客栈老板之死仍然是个谜。
- Shipman firmly refused to plead guilty. His motives remain a mystery. 希普曼坚不认罪,他的动机依然成谜。
- What caused the accident and who was responsible for it remain a mystery to us. 造成事故的原因是什么,谁应对事故负责,对我们来说还是一个谜。
- The death of the inn-keeper still remains a mystery. 客栈老板之死仍然是个谜。
- If they do exist, they remain a mystery from the experts such as the CPM Group. 如果他们存在,他们对专家来说还是一个谜。
- The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery. 如此大量的结构异染色质的来源及其在染色体组型进化和物种形成中的任务仍是一个谜。
- Although the causes of idiopathic Parkinson's disease remain a mystery, there are other forms of Parkinson's disease. 虽然造成先天性帕金森氏综合症的病因还是个谜,
- And so the summer of Kobe will continue, the clarification everyone's looking for likely to remain a mystery. 这个夏天科比仍将继续努力,大家期待的交易事件结果现在仍是个谜。
- Other details on the production X1 remain a mystery, but drivetrain options will likely mirror those offered in the 1-Series. 其他细节的生产X1仍是一个谜,但动力的选择很可能会反映在提供的1系列。
- Their motives remain a mystery. 他们的动机仍然是个谜。
- Why Swithin chose to be buried in a particular place remains a mystery. 斯韦辛为什么选择与众不同的地方作墓地至今仍是个谜。
- After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. 8从那以后琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜.
- I can't work her out, she's a mystery to me. 我理解不了她,她对我来说是个谜。
- But exactly how the “wetware” of molecular biology works remains a mystery. 但分子生物学中的“湿件”具体是怎样运作的还是一个迷。
- Why he went there is a mystery to me. 他为什么到那里去,这对我来说是个谜。
- And time will remain a mystery. 时间仍然是个谜。