- You should rely on your own efforts. 你应该靠自己的努力。
- Therefore,you must rely on your own efforts and strive for that in order to improve the quality of the tournament. 所以就得靠你自身努力,积极争取了,只有这样才能提高比赛的质量。
- It is essential to rely on your own efforts, work assiduously, truly depend on your own enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and bring them into full play. 要自力更生,艰苦奋斗,真正把立足点放到充分发挥自身的积极性、主动性和创造性上来;
- Rely on your own efforts. 靠你自己的努力。
- You should rely on your own judgement. 你应该相信你自己的判断。
- You should rely on your own discrimination. 你应该相信自己的眼力。
- The success or failure of the matter depends on your own effort. 事情的成败在你自己的努力。
- Most people rely on their own efforts. 人家大部分靠的是自己的努力。
- We must rely on our own efforts to do it. 我们必须依靠自己的力量来完成它。
- Every ugly duckling has the right to dream of becoming a beautiful swan. But the realisation of this dream depends on your own efforts. 每个丑小鸭都有梦想成为天鹅的权利,但梦想的实现赖于个人的努力。
- We must rely on our own efforts. 我们必须依靠自己的努力。
- Put all your trust in the LOAD and do not rely on your own understanding. At every step you take keep him in mind, and he will direct your path. 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可依靠自己的聪明;在你一切所行的事上,都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路。
- We should rely on our own efforts. 我们应该自力更生。
- You must rely on your own strength, on correct guidance of activities, on brotherly unity within the Party and good relations with the people. 必须依靠自己手里的力量,行动指导上的正确,党内兄弟一样的团结和对人民有良好的关系。
- We should rely on our own effort. 自力更生。
- You must be confident in the future.You must have firmly held conviction that victory depends on your own effort rather than destiny.Keep self-conviction that you will overcome all difficulties. 要对自己有信心,对未来有信心,要坚信成败并非命中注定而是全靠自己努力,更要坚信自己能战胜一切困难。
- Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. 既然你长大了,就不应该依靠你的父母。
- For the future,we shall have to rely on our own efforts. 今后,我们得靠自己的努力。
- Increasing wisdom is never forbidden and while the Buddhist teacher Tsongkhapa’s middle way philosophy has room for interpretation you have to rely on your own teacher, because he’s your protector. 增长的智慧从来没被禁止过,而佛教老师宗喀巴的中间道路哲学认为,你必须依靠自己的导师,因为他是你的保护者。
- For the future, we shall have to rely on our own efforts. 今后,我们得靠自己的努力。