- Estimation on field survival of artificial released natural enemies. 人工繁殖天敌释放到田间后的生存率估计。
- Release natural enemy 释放天敌
- The owl is the natural enemy of mice and rats. 猫头鹰是鼠类的克星。
- Inundation is the release of large numbers of a natural enemy, with et\ht aim of killing those pests present at the time. 爆发是天敌大量的释放,同时伴随着捕杀那些有害生物。
- Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 青杨天牛寄生性天敌昆虫初步研究。
- You don’t know fat is your natural enemy and ugly is your monody. 你不知肥胖是你的天敌,丑陋是你的挽歌。
- Title: Study on Parasitical Natural Enemy Insect of Saperda populnea L. 关键词:青杨天牛;寄生性天敌昆虫;重寄生;研究
- Other fungi release natural antibiotics into the soil, further protecting the tree. 其他真菌向土壤释放出天然抗生素,进一步保护树木。
- Porpoises and sharks are natural enemies. 海豚和鲨鱼是天然仇敌
- To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 利用天敌蒲螨控制柏树蛀干害虫双条杉天牛。
- Insect pests of 42 species,15 families,7 orders in one class were recognized as natural enemy. 查到害虫天敌昆虫有1个纲7个目15科42种;
- Title: To Control Trunk insect Pests Semanotus bifasciatus with Its Natural Enemy Pyemotes sp. 关键词:病虫害及其防治;天敌;研究;蒲螨;蛀干害虫;双条杉天牛
- Dastarcus helophoroides was the most effective natural enemy against the large-body longhorn beetles attacking trees. 摘要花绒寄甲是大型天牛类林木蛀干害虫最为有效的天敌昆虫。
- There were 11 species in 6 families of natural enemy,among which,ladybug and braconidae were the dominant species. 天敌共有6科11种,其中六斑月瓢虫、菜小脉茧蜂为优势种;
- The pesticide has high selec-tivitics to natural enemy of Coccinella septempunctata and Propylea japonica. 室内测定还证明,增效吡虫啉和吡虫啉对蚜虫的主要天敌七星瓢虫及龟纹瓢虫均具有较高的选择性。
- Through niche study, the feasibility of using natural enemy insects controlling P. latus was theoretically analyzed. 通过生态位研究,从理论上阐述了应用天敌昆虫控制侧多食跗线螨的可行性。
- The moral is: Even 'natural enemies' can become 'best friends. 寓意:就算“天敌”也可以成为“最好的朋友。”
- Woman loves life for the living of it. In the world of abstract research, she's a danger and a distraction. She's the natural enemy of science. 女人的天性就是爱生活。在抽象研究的领域里,女人是干扰物,是危险品,女人是科学的天敌。
- John considered a young master as the natural enemy of an old servant, and young people in general as a poor contrivance for carrying on the world. 约翰认为,任何年轻主人都是老仆人的天敌,一般的年轻人都没有能力继承这个世界。