- Relating to a mitral valve. 关于僧帽瓣的
- Serving as or relating to a prosthesis. 弥补的用作修补物的或与之有关的
- Of or relating to a breast or mamma. 乳房的,乳腺的属于或与乳房或乳腺有关的
- Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot. 沙文主义者的或与其有关的
- Producing, resulting from, or relating to a base. 盐基的,碱性的碱性的,盐基的,属于或关于碱性的、盐基的
- Of or relating to a baron or barony. 男爵的男爵的或男爵爵位的或与之有关的
- Of or relating to a collegiate church. 大教堂的大教堂的或与之有关的
- Of or relating to a fluid with no viscosity. 无粘性流体的属于或关于没有粘滞性的流体的
- Of or relating to a kitchen or to cookery. 厨房的,烹饪的厨房或烹饪的或与之有关的
- Of or relating to a notary public. 公证的是或与公证有关的
- Of or relating to a ventricle or ventriculus. 腔室的属于或关于腔室或消化器官的
- Of or relating to a chorus or choir. 合唱队或唱诗班的合唱队或唱诗班的或与合唱队或唱诗班有关的
- Whether the pain is related to the mitral valve prolapse or whether it is an epiphenomenon is controversial because it is common in the absence of evident prolapse. 不过,疼痛是否与二尖瓣脱垂相关,抑或只是一种偶发现象,对此人们尚有争议,因为这种疼痛即便是在无明显脱垂时也很常见。
- Relating to a symphony orchestra. 爱乐团体的与交响乐团有关的
- Of or relating to a director or directorate. 指挥者的指导者或指导者职位的,或关于指导者或指导者职位的
- Whether the pain is related to the mitral valve prola e or whether it is an epiphenomenon is controversial because it is common in the a ence of evident prola e. 不过,疼痛是否与二尖瓣脱垂相关,抑或只是一种偶发现象,对此人们尚有争议,因为这种疼痛即便是在无明显脱垂时也很常见。
- Of or relating to a heterozygote. 杂合体的杂合体的或与之有关的
- Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate. 官吏属于或有关于宫廷官吏的
- Of or relating to a variorum edition or text. 集注版的集注版或原文的,或与其有关的
- Of or relating to a nation's currency or coinage. 货币的,硬币的国家货币或硬币的或与之有关的