- Reiuforced concrete beam 钢筋混凝土梁
- Make an Approach to Economic Width of Reinforced Concrete Beam. 钢筋砼梁经济宽度探讨。
- They would certainly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beam. 与预应力混凝土梁比较,它们自然更显得外貌粗拙,不甚美观,而且成本也往往更高一些。
- Gravity framing in the basement takes the form of a conventional concrete beam and slab design. 地下室的重力框架采用了传统的混凝土梁板的设计。
- Its merged application in reinforced concrete beam, has proved validity of this method and practical value. 其在钢筋混凝土梁归并中的应用,证明了该方法的有效性和实用价值。
- The miners snaked through the basement rubble and prepared to strike a concrete beam with their hammers. 矿工们蛇行穿过地下室的碎石堆,准备用锤子砸开水泥梁。
- The test result showed that the proposed calculation method can be used in the prediction of ultimate capacity of FRP-reinforced concrete beam. 试验结果表明:该公式可以用来对纤维聚合物筋混凝土梁的正截面承载力进行预测。
- Introduce the design and construction of reinforcing the reinforced concrete beam with SBC-300 carbon fiber cloth combining engineering examples. 结合工程实例介绍SBC-300型碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁设计和施工。
- A computing method is presented for studying the bending moment, axial force and curvity relationship at the section of prestressed concrete beam. 提出预应力砼截面弯矩-轴力-曲率关系的计算方法,并计算了不同预应力度下截面的弯矩-曲率关系。
- The analytical results can be used for the qualitative evaluation of the shear capability of the reinforced concrete beam after damnification. 便于在工程实际中应用,为损伤后的钢筋混凝土梁斜截面承载力的评估提供了依据。
- The key technique of bi-prestressed concrete beam is the reliability of the anchorage system of post-compressed thread bars. 摘要后压法双预应力混凝土梁的关键技术是顶压钢筋锚具的可靠性。
- The results show that the recommendatory method of the paper can well describe the nonlinear analysis of the pre-stress concrete beam. 选择了适合于预应力高强混凝土梁非线性分析的一些基本理论,主要包括混凝土和钢筋的应力应变关系、整体式有限元模型、混凝土的破坏准则。
- Relatively comprehensive test study on the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under bending moment, shear force and axial tensile force was carried out. 摘要对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。
- Based on the analysis of these models,a new modified seismic damage model for reinforced concrete beam column considering the influence of damping energy-dissipation is presented. 在分析各种破坏模型优缺点的基础上,针对钢筋混凝土压弯构件提出了考虑了阻尼耗能影响时的地震破坏模型。
- So whether reinforced concrete beam with high-strength stirrup can meet the requirement for applicability and durability under service load is one of the engineering problems. 高强度箍筋混凝土结构在正常使用阶段能否满足适用性和耐久性的要求,一直是工程应用关注的问题之一。
- Fatigue lifespan of reinforced concrete beam was sharply shortened after main bars corroded in it and the beam was destroyed bristly without any prediction. 主筋锈蚀使得梁的疲劳寿命急剧缩短;梁发生脆性破坏而没有征兆。
- Lin, C.H., and Lee, F.S., “Ductility of High-Performance Concrete Beam with High Strength Lateral Reinforcement” ACI Structural Journal, Vol.98, No. 4,Jul.-Aug. 2001, pp.1-9. 曾志汉;“高性能混凝土柱于同心轴力下之行为”;硕士论文;国立中兴大学土木工程研究所;民国九十年七月.
- The test showed that externally bonded CFRP sheets of U-wraps can improve the shear fatigue performance and increase the fatigue life of reinforced concrete beam significantly. 因此,粘贴碳纤维布可以较大提高损伤混凝土梁的抗剪疲劳性能,延长损伤混凝土结构的使用寿命。