- Regulus calendulan. 红玉冠戴菊(莺科)
- Regulus was the younger brother of Sirius Black. 雷古勒斯是小天狼星布莱克的弟弟。
- Calendula - Cleanses and soothes the skin . 金盏菊-净化和舒缓皮肤。
- JK tells us "Regulus got in a little too deep. JK说“雷古勒斯陷的有点太深了。
- Myrrh and biodynamic Calendula work to soften calluses. 没药和植物金站菊能使您足部的茧变得柔软。
- Stubby Boardman is Regulus Black No, he isn't. Nice idea, though. 开玩笑。不是“哈利波特与记忆的墓地”这个名字。
- Ingredients: Calendula, Morus alba L., Aloe Vera etc. 成份:金盏花、桑白皮、芦荟等。
- Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight. 银蓝色的轩辕十四在暮色里有一点点浅桃色。
- Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids . 金盏菊花卉已广泛使用在中国医治痔疮。
- I got his brother, Regulus, when he came along, but I'd have liked the set. 他进校时,他哥哥雷古勒斯就在我们学院,要是两个人都在我那儿就好了。”
- Calendula Gel is a non-greasy, non-sticky gel quickly absorbed by the skin. 金盏草啫喱不含油脂,不易粘,快速被皮肤吸收。
- Contains: red clover leaf and flowers, nettle and meadowsweet leaf, calendula, chamomile and lavender flowers, gotu kola leaves and, a pinch of stevia. 红花苜蓿叶与花朵、荨麻叶、绣线菊叶、金盏花、洋甘菊、薰衣草、雷公根、甜菊叶。
- By the way, Regulus is the 21st brightest star, but it attracts more attention than many bright stars. 另外,轩辕十四是第21个明亮的星星,但是它比其他的许多星星更能吸引人们的注意。
- The Effects of Leaf-Spraying Urea and Calcium Superphosphate on the Growth and Deveplpment of Calendula officinalis L. 叶面喷施尿素和过磷酸钙对金盏菊生长发育的影响。
- That's because Regulus routinely pairs up with the moon and planets on the dome of night. 这是因为它经常和月亮以及夜晚苍穹上的其它行星结成一对。
- Extra mild shampoo for sensitive skinned dogs. Made with chamomile, eucalyptus, aloe vera, jojoba oil, and calendula oil. 特佳的温和洗护香波,且适合于皮肤过敏的犬只,使用甘菊、桉树、芦荟、荷荷巴油和金盏花油而制成。
- Regulus survived only a few days after defying Voldemort (reason unknown) (HBP6). 雷古勒斯在不服从伏地魔之后只活了几天(原因未知)(HBP6)。
- A naturally inspired skincare line formulated with Calendula extracts topurify and hydratesensitive, rough skin. 净化和补水,并且是对敏感、粗糙的皮肤。
- The Moon during the eclipse. You can see Saturn to the left and Regulus above the moon. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- Glycolic Acid and Sodium Glycolate, Aloe Vera, Sodium Hyaluronate, Arnica Blossoms Extract, Calendula Blossoms Extract. 甘醇酸、芦荟、玻尿酸、山金车萃取、金盏花萃取。