- I do not worry, Cagliari in Reggio Calabria and get a good 4 minutes. 我并不担忧,在卡利亚里和雷焦卡拉布里亚拿到4分很不错了。
- He played splendidly in Reggio Calabria and was involved in all the moves. 在雷吉纳他踢得特别出色,参与了每一次进攻。
- SuperPippo helped himself to a hat-trick as the Rossoneri came from a goal down to dominate in Reggio Calabria. 超级皮波用自己的帽子戏法帮助红黑军团主宰了雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚并反败为胜。
- This record, however, was broken in the non-influential game at Reggio Calabria. 不过这个纪录还是在对雷吉那的比赛中被打破了。
- London practice Zaha Hadid Architects have designed two buildings for the city of Reggio Calabria in Italy. 伦敦实践扎哈哈迪德建筑师事务所设计的两座建筑物的城市在意大利雷焦卡拉布里亚。
- REGGIO CALABRIA - Rino Gattuso's comments at the end Milan's 4-1 victory over Reggina: ‘We are happy about this win. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚--加图索在4-1战胜雷吉纳后接受了采访:“对于胜利我们高兴。
- REGGIO CALABRIA - Kakha Kaladze spoke after the game in Reggio Calabria: ‘I am happy about the victory. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚--卡拉泽赛后谈到:“对于胜利我很高兴。
- REGGIO CALABRIA ? A happy Filippo Inzaghi basking in his hat-trick against Reggina: 'You always hope for a game like that. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚?开心的因扎吉十分享受自己在与雷吉纳比赛中的帽子戏法:“你总会期待着像这样的一场比赛。
- The motivation was there for the side from Reggio Calabria as they took a 2-0 lead at half time through Di Michele and Cozza. 这支来自雷吉纳·卡拉布里亚的球队上半场由迪米凯莱和科扎各进一球以2-0领先米兰。
- REGGIO CALABRIA ? A happy Filippo Inzaghi basking in his hat-trick against Reggina: ‘You always hope for a game like that. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚?开心的因扎吉十分享受自己在与雷吉纳比赛中的帽子戏法:“你总会期待着像这样的一场比赛。
- Today the bianconeri benefited from a day of rest in order to recover strength following the away match in Reggio Calabria. 上周末比赛被迫因为肌肉拉伤离开赛场的马尔基西奥,检查结果显示只是轻微的只是大腿肌肉的轻微拉伤,他将休息几天再进行进一步检查。
- He said: 'I've met [Ariedo] Braida, [Adriano] Galliani and Reggina president Lillo Foti, and I've realized that Reggio Calabria would be an excellent destination for me. 他说:“我已经见过布拉伊达,加里亚尼和雷吉纳的主席福蒂了,我认为卡拉布里亚大区的雷吉纳是个好去处。
- Beating Atalanta felt twice as satisfying because it came in the last minute, especially after having lost 2 matches in a row in the same manner, in Reggio Calabria and Milano. 战胜亚特兰大使我感到双倍的满足,因为胜利是最后一刻才取得的,尤其是在连续两场分别在雷吉纳和米兰的比赛以同一种方式失利之后。
- Now the team are expecting an important away game down in Reggio Calabria and are looking to return to last season’s winning ways even away from the San Siro. 现在球队正期待着一场重要的客场比赛,即使离开了圣西罗,他们仍期待着能在雷吉纳重新回到上赛季的胜利轨道。
- REGGIO CALABRIA - Chief executive Adriano Galliani's post-game analysis: ‘We saw a Milan side that had fun and had an attacking attitude, which is exactly what we all want. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚--俱乐部执行主席加里亚尼分析了比赛:“大家看见了米兰的表现很漂亮,保持了进攻的态势。
- In Reggio Calabria, Italy, last year's silver medalists, continued where they left off at the scene of last year's Final Round with a3-0(25-23,25-22,25-23) win over Germany while Cuba beat the Dominican Republic3-0(28-26,25-17,25-18). 意大利勒佐卡拉不里亚,意大利队,去年的银牌得主,再现了去年决赛的场景3:0战胜德国,古巴战胜多米尼亚。
- However, the second half of the campaign has seen a vast improvement, with wins at Siena, Reggio Calabria, Palermo and Udine which have gone a long way to securing second place ahead of Inter. 不过,球队在下半赛季取得了巨大的进步,在锡耶纳,雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚,巴勒莫和乌迪内都获得胜利,终于反超国际占据联赛第二。
- Just like in 2005, also last year, back from Athens, after many celebrations for the European title won against Liverpool, there was just one matchday left to play at Reggio Calabria. 和05年一样,去年在击败利物浦获得冠军后,也只剩下在雷吉纳的一场比赛。
- 8. REGGIO CALABRIA ? A happy Filippo Inzaghi basking in his hat-trick against Reggina: ‘You always hope for a game like that. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚?开心的因扎吉十分享受自己在与雷吉纳比赛中的帽子戏法:“你总会期待着像这样的一场比赛。收藏指正
- 7. REGGIO CALABRIA ? A happy Filippo Inzaghi basking in his hat-trick against Reggina: ‘You always hope for a game like that. 雷吉奥.;卡拉布里亚?开心的因扎吉十分享受自己在与雷吉纳比赛中的帽子戏法:“你总会期待着像这样的一场比赛。收藏指正