- Regenerating shiro 菌塘复壮
- He went to his neighbor, and asked where Shiro was. 回家后,老人就把一些灰烬洒在花园里的樱桃树上。
- Du bleibst bei uns, bis der Regen aufh?rt. 你留在我们这里,等到雨停吧!
- Up and regenerating a signal before passing it on. 处理再生一个信号当通过他时。
- Manchmal gibt es ziemlich starken Regen. 有的时候雨很大。
- Does not trigger in combat Mana Regen. 王导当即表示同意,并同意由他挑选。
- Es siehtnach Regen aus.Gehen wirsofort weg! 要下雨了故宫的神思故宫英文介绍,我们快走吧。
- Regenerating units are much less likely to get battle afflictions. 有再生特技的部队在战斗中不会那么容易积累战伤。
- Energy cell really helps because you get faster mana regen. 能量电池很有帮助,因为它能加快你回魔速度。
- Obsidian statue mana regen increased to 4/sec from 3/sec. 黑曜石像鬼的魔法恢复速度由每秒3点增加到每秒4点。
- Regen AfterCare is a liquid gel cream that for the skin. 8小时内,在皮肤上呈现“液体绷带”状。
- It sets up a historical monument in regenerating the whole China unification. 它在再造中华大一统的伟业中曾树立起一座威震欧亚的历史丰碑。
- Only if some underlying property changes occur does the JCL need regenerating. 只有底层属性改变时才需要重新生成JCL。
- Shiro Kayano, the president of the Nibutani Ainu Museum explains how Ainu live in harmony with nature. 二风谷阿伊努博物馆,馆长史郎茅野解释,阿伊努人是如何与大地为伍。
- I hit a rogue so hard with mongoose bite that his energy stopped regenerating. 我用猫鼬撕咬攻击一个盗贼,如此猛烈以至于他的能量都停止回复了。
- Anyway, here's the max regen set currently, if anyone was wondering. 但是不管怎样,下面列出目前回蓝量最高的套装,如果谁想知道的话。
- We're trying to get a better feel for what to do with mana regen at the moment. 我们正在尝试用更好的办法来处理法力再生的时间点。
- The last time I drew Shiro, I did a joke about how I tend to procrastinate, so this time I did a "follow-up" picture. 我上次画她的时候,我取笑了我自己常常拖的太久的习惯,所以这次我画了一张跟进图。
- To help us out, Nissan's chief designer Shiro Nakamura has come out and provided some clues about the new EV's styling. 为了帮助我们的那样,日产的首席设计师中村史郎了出来,并提供了一些线索,新的电动车的造型.
- Amakusa Shiro (Kenji Sawada), who was killed in the Shimabara War, mysteriously appears in the peaceful time of Edo. 在岛原之乱念冤带恨而死的天草四郎(泽田研二饰),临死时抉心舍弃神,坠入魔界。