- Refresh the Project Guide page 刷新“项目向导”页
- Refresh the project plan to make sure that you have the latest information. 刷新项目计划以确保您拥有最新的信息。
- The Gantt view with the Project Guide Tasks pane showing on the left. 显示在左侧的项目向导“任务”窗格的甘特图视图。
- By default, the start date and finish date values are never copied into Microsoft Project when you refresh the project plan. 默认情况下,在您刷新项目计划时,开始日期和完成日期值绝不会复制到Microsoft Project中。
- A wizard to help you print a view as a report is available in the Report task pane of the Project Guide. 在“项目向导”的“报表”任务窗格中,可以找到将视图打印为报表的向导。
- Together the GoalArea elements define the content and structure of the Project Guide. 所有GoalArea元素共同定义了Project Guide(项目向导)的内容和结构。
- The Project Guide, an interactive step-by-step planning aide, helps you quickly master the project management process. 项目向导是一种逐步交互式计划辅助工具,可以帮助您快速掌握项目管理流程。
- For example, a user is looking at the Project Guide side pane titled List the tasks in the project. 例如,用户正在查看名为List the tasks in the project的Project Guide(项目向导)侧窗格。
- Project Guide pages can access the Microsoft Project object model with the window. External object (window. External gives access to the object model of the application hosting Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser components). Project Guide(项目向导)页面可以使用window.;external对象访问Microsoft Project对象模型(window
- Changes where one field is incongruent with another causes inconsistent results when you refresh the project plan in Microsoft Project and the scheduling engine adjusts the task fields. 当您在Microsoft Project中刷新项目计划而计划引擎也调整任务字段时,一个字段与另一个字段不一致的更改将导致不一致的结果。
- When a user clicks a goal area in the Project Guide toolbar, the side pane displays a list of tasks for that goal area. 当用户在Project Guide(项目向导)工具栏中单击某一目标区域时,侧窗格将显示该目标区域的任务列表。
- The Project Guide is a new interface element that complements the existing, and still familiar, Microsoft Project interface. 它是一个新的界面元素,用于对人们所熟知的现有Microsoft Project界面提供补充。
- Project Guide toolbar is a command bar for top-level navigation that contains buttons for the main areas of the Project Guide. Project Guide(项目向导)工具栏是用于顶层导航的命令栏,包含用于Project Guide(项目向导)主要区域的按钮。
- Run the macro after you refresh the data. 在刷新数据之后运行该宏。
- The information structure and content for the Project Guide are defined by an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document. Project Guide(项目向导)的信息结构和内容由可扩展标记语言(XML)文档定义。
- Then we can just refresh the Domino views. 然后可以刷新Domino视图。
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- Refresh the popular tags page, and voila! 刷新标签页看看。
- The Project Guide toolbar is the top level of a navigation hierarchy that organizes the product into phases or goal areas that correspond to user's goals. Project Guide(项目向导)工具栏位于导航层次结构的顶层,层次结构使该产品按与用户的目标相对应的阶段或目标区域进行组织。
- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。