- I explain in this article the possibilities of joint between class and out-side class under the background of quality education and reform of curriculums. 本文阐述了在推行素质教育与课程改革的今天,“衔接”的必要性与可行性。
- Ever since 1981, the measures taken by the Japanese Government to loosen up University Setting Standard have led to a nation-wide reform of curriculum. 摘要从1991年开始,日本政府通过放宽《大学设置基准》等措施,掀起了全国范围的大学课程改革。
- So the physical educational curriculum system in modern colleges accordingly focuses on the reform of curriculum in this field. 因此体育教育专业课程内容的改革是现代普通高等学校体育教育专业课程体系中一个引人关注的研究领域。
- Proper recognization,exploitation and utilization of course resource is one of the foundational content for the reform of Curriculum. 正确识别、开发和利用好课程资源是新课程改革推进的奠基内容之一。
- The research shows that colleges and universities physical cur-riculum reform at the century of21must break through the education idea and emphasis on the reform of curriculum integration. 认为21世纪的高校体育课程改革,需要从教育观念突破入手,着眼于课程整体性的改革。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- At present, the new reform of curriculum which is running in our lountry is done under the back ground of many errors of classical treachery unadjusted to the development of times. 目前我国正进行的新一轮课程改革,是在传统教学的诸多弊端越来越不适应时代发展的背景下进行。
- This paper argues that reform of the mode of curriculum management of college English is an important approach to the change of the "high invest with low profit" phenomenon in English language teac... 大学英语课程管理模式的反课程开发属性是外语教学“费时低效”的原因之一。改进大学英语课程管理模式是改变外语教学“费时低效”现象的重要途径。
- What makes people gratify is that the Curriculum reform of new basic education of our country clearly regards training talents with scientific spirit and humane spirit as the goal of Curriculum. 令人欣慰的是,我国新基础教育课程改革明确把培养具有科学精神和人文精神的人才作为课程的目标。
- However, we find that the principle often plays as an obstructer during the reform of curriculum implementation and even feels confused from the research and practice at home and abroad. 然而在国外的研究中,发现校长常常是“改革的一种阻力,而不是推动力。”
- The new innovation of curriculum will promote the reformation of teaching methods. 摘要伴随着新课程改革的推进,必将进一步推动教学方法的改革。
- Teachers Grow up in the Reform of Curriculum 教师应在课程改革中成长
- reform of curriculum and materials 课程教材改革
- reform of curriculum and instruction 课程与教学改革
- She also calls for reform of the law on nullity. 她呼吁对离婚法进行改革。
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- Press ahead with the Reform of Housing. 积极推进住房体制改革。
- The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment. 现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头。
- Where is a Way for the Reform of Medical System? 医疗体制改革路在何方?
- An Educational Reform of Small Size Class in U.S. 美国小班化教育改革及其给我们的启示。