- Red Seed using Watermelon Data Set 红籽瓜数据集
- This pathogen mainly infected fruit and cotyledon of edible seed watermelon,especially causing spots with black and star-shaped cracks in fruit. 该病菌在田间主要侵染籽瓜的果实和子叶,症状在果实上尤为明显,形成黑色的星状开裂。
- The original red seeded race remembered the original goal and preoccupation of the human race. 最初的红族记得人类种族最初的目的及预设。
- All humans are related to this red seeded race of humans that originated from Sirius. 所有人类都与此源自于天狼星的红族有关联。
- Technique Measures to Improve Germination Percentage of No Seed Watermelon Seed 提高无籽西瓜种子发芽率的技术措施
- Such humans came to earth, settled, and over time mated with and blended with the red seeded Sirian race. 这些人来到地球上定居下来,随时间与天狼星人在地球上播种的红族人彼此婚配与混血。
- Such human slaves were incubated in a laboratory with even less genetic material than the red seeded race. 这类人类奴隶在实验室中被孵化,基因物质甚至比红族人更少。
- Up until such a thought-form became global, there was no concern about survival for the red seeded race. 直到这样一个思想形态成为全球化前,红族人曾并不担心幸存。
- Those with red seeded nation hologram and DNA shall be restrained at 3000 strands. 红族全息图与DNA者将被限制在3000股DNA之中。
- With the introduction of the red seeded race some 50,000 years ago, there was communion between our species and mankind. 伴随着大约50,000年以前红族被播根种族的引进,在我们物种和人类之间有着通讯。
- As karma was added to the red seeded race for annihilation, the thought-form of annihilation and bloodshed became their thought-form. 当业力被加入到红族人中来屠杀时,屠杀的思想形态与血腥也就变成红族的思想形态。
- Edible Seed Watermelon as a New Host of Acidovorax avenae subsp. Citrulli and Rapid Detection of this Pathogen 危害新寄主籽瓜和病菌的快速检测
- This eventually shattered the protective ice shields anchored by the red seeded race that was a device to support Earth's future ascension. 这最终粉碎了由红族人锚定的保护性冰天,而它是支持地球未来提升的一个装置。
- There were nine souls that came specifically with the red seeded humans incubated in a Sirian spacecraft 75,000 years ago. 有9个灵魂尤其和75000年前在天狼星太空船中所孵化的红族人类一起而来。
- The watermelon is green without and red within. 西瓜皮绿瓤红。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- As humans ascended in the original Red Seeded Race, and their ascension was incomplete, the lack of care in addressing the space between became a global thought-form. 当最初红族根种族内的人类提升,他们的提升是不完全的,疏忽对间隔空间的改编成为一个全球性思想形态。
- A watermelon is red inside and green outside. 西瓜内红外绿。
- So bees can carry some of the pollen from the seeded watermelons to the unseeded ones. 因为蜜蜂能够帮助把有籽西瓜的花粉授到无籽西瓜的花上。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。