- Recycle our bottles and cans. 回收我们的瓶子和罐子.
- We have to recycle bottles and cans in a blue box. 我们得在蓝色箱子里回收瓶子和罐子。
- The yard was littered with bottles and cans. 院子里瓶瓶罐罐丢得满地零乱。
- He littered the yard with bottles and cans. 他扔得满地都是瓶子和罐头。
- The dresser, empty bottles and cans everywhere. 房间一片混乱,脏衣服扔在地板上,化。
- Clean up obvious paper, bottles and cans dropped on the ground. 清理掉落或遗留在地上的显眼纸屑、瓶子和罐子。
- They separate their garbage into wet refuse,dry refuse,bottles and cans and so on. 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里。
- They separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on. 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里。
- They come for the tourists, peddling maps and flags and scavenging for bottles and cans that can be reclaimed as scrap. 他们拦着游客,兜售地图和小旗子,同时捡一些可以回收卖钱的瓶瓶罐罐。
- The room was in chaos--- dirty clothes strewn on the floor, cosmetics scattered over the dresser, empty bottles and cans everywhere. 房间一片混乱,脏衣服扔在地板上,化装品散乱在梳妆台上,到处都是空的瓶。
- Now that genetically modified foods are on our supermarket shelves, the genie is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. 转基因食品已经摆在了超市的货架上,放出魔瓶的妖怪再也无法收回。
- Our bottles are made with recycled plastic. 我们的瓶子是以再生塑料制成的。
- In Beijing many people recycle glass beer bottles and old newspapers. 在北京,很多人都对啤酒瓶和旧报纸进行废物回收重新使用。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- The housewives separate their garbage into wet refuse, dry refuse, bottles and cans and so on. They put them into separate plastic bags and dispose of them in the large garbage bin at the bottom of the apartment blocks. 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里,然后放入屋底层的大垃圾桶内。
- We need to recycle our trash and use public transportation more often. 我们必须将垃圾回收利用,并多使用大众运输工具。
- I agree. We need to recycle our trash and use public transportation more often. 我赞同。我们必须将垃圾回收利用,并多使用大众运输工具。
- The housewives separate their garbage into wet refuse,dry refuse,bottles and cans and so on. They put them into separate plastic bags and dispose of them in the large garbage bin at the bottom of the apartment blocks. 她们把垃圾分类,湿的,乾的,空瓶罐等分放在塑胶袋里,然后放入屋底层的大垃圾桶内。
- It is said he is cup and can with this actress. 据说他是这位女演员的密友。
- Urban Japanese householders, who baulk at having to divide rubbish into flammable and inflammable items, bottles and cans, should spare a thought for their counterparts in Kamikatsu. 日本城市居民必须把垃圾分为可燃、不可燃以及瓶子罐子三种,那些对此有所抵触的人都应该好好向他们的上胜同胞学习。