- Recessive hereditary disorder 隐性遗传病症
- BackgroundHereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP or SPG) is a kind of hereditary disorder of nervous system. Autosomal dominant (AD), autosomal recessive (AR), X-linked inheritance have been described for HSP. 遗传性痉挛性截瘫(hereditary spastic paraplegia,HSP或SPG)是一种神经系统遗传病,呈常染色体显性遗传(autosomal dominant,AD)、常染色体隐性遗传(autosomal recessive,AR)和X-连锁隐性遗传(X-linked recessive,XR),其中以AD遗传最为常见。
- Maple tree saccharorrhea sickness belongs to the euchromosome recessive hereditary disease. 枫糖尿症属于常染色体隐性遗传病。
- Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy (GDLD) is an autosomal recessive hereditary disease, which may result in bilateral loss of vision. 摘要胶滴状角膜营养不良是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病,可导致视力严重障碍甚至失明。
- Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy(GDLD) is an autosomal recessive hereditary disease,which may result in bilateral loss of vision. 胶滴状角膜营养不良是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传病,可导致视力严重障碍甚至失明。
- AbstractHepatolenticular degeneration(HLD)is a recessive hereditary disease and is characterized by involvement of extrapyramidal system of the brain and liver damage. 肝豆状核变性(HLD),是一种以锥体外系征为主的脑损害或/及肝脏损害为特征的常染色体隐性遗传性疾病。
- The unrelated Werner syndrome is a recessive hereditary disease that Begins in young adulthood and makes patients look 30 years older than they are; their average life span is 47 years. 而罕见的维纳氏症候群出现在青年期,患者外貌比实际年龄大三十岁左右,平均寿命为四十七岁。
- It is a recessive hereditary disease of autosome to be deaf and dumb.It was analysed through heredity that reducing or preventing consanguineous marriage can reduce the deaf-mute's birth rate. 聋哑是常染色体隐性遗传病;通过遗传分析发现;减少或防止近亲结婚可以降低聋哑人的出生.
- A hereditary disorder affecting iron metabolism in which excessive amounts of iron accumulate in the body tissues.The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction, and a bronze pigmentation of the skin. 血色素沉着(症),血色病一种影响铁的新陈代谢的遗传性疾病,大量多余的铁淤积在体内组织中。此疾病的特征是糖尿
- A hereditary disorder affecting iron metabolism in which excessive amounts of iron accumulate in the body tissues. The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus, liver dysfunction, and a bronze pigmentation of the skin. 血色素沉着(症),血色病一种影响铁的新陈代谢的遗传性疾病,大量多余的铁淤积在体内组织中。此疾病的特征是糖尿病、肝机能障碍及皮肤黄褐色色素沉着
- autosomal recessive hereditary disease 常染色体隐性遗传病
- sex-linked recessive hereditary disease 性连锁隐性遗传性疾病
- recessive hereditary aminoaciduria abnomality 隐性遗传性氨基酸尿代谢异常症
- recessive hereditary aminoaciduria abnormality 隐性遗传氨基酸尿代谢异常
- autosomal recessive hereditary deafness 常染色体隐性遗传性聋
- vitamin responsive hereditary disorder 维生素依赖性遗传病
- The meeting finished in disorder. 会议结束时一片混乱。
- Badly beaten, the intruders fell back in disorder. 入侵者受到重创,狼狈溃退。
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。