- Hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't. 吉娜。听着,我知道当我雇用你之时,我说过会付你薪水。可是我没办法。
- Scarlett: You wouldn't lose. I'd pay you back out of next year's cotton. 斯佳丽:你不会陪的。明年棉花收了就还你。
- Oh, here comes Jack, and I haven't got the money I promised I'd pay him back today.Excuse me, I think I'll make myself scarce. 唉呀,杰克来。我答应今天还他钱,可是我还没弄到钱。对不起,我还是溜走为好。
- Then if I were you, I'd pay his price. It's a very good station. In a few years, it'll be very big. I wouldn't miss his chance to buy it. 那,如果我是你,我就出这个价买。这个电视台非常不错。几年后,它的规模会很大。如果我是你就不会错过这个机会。
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- I felt cheap because I'd lied to my friend. 我对朋友说了谎话,感到很惭愧。
- I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for. 我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。
- He is not the kind of man I'd like to serve under. 我不喜欢在他这种人手下干事。
- I thought I'd call by and see how you are. 我想我会顺便看看你生活得可好。
- If I were you I'd buy a small car. 我要是你的话,我就买一辆小汽车。
- The first question I'd ask is how you knew him? 我的第一个问题是你怎样认识他的?
- If I wee you, I'd think twice about it. 如果我是你我会三思而后行。
- Change Document Display Master Rec. 更改文档显示主记录。
- It wasn't as good as I'd expected. 这不如我原来想的那么好。
- Click the "REC" button to begin data recording. 单击“记录”按钮开始数据记录。
- But yank his rec time. He missed count last night. 你那么早就回家了,没事吧?
- O! I s t h t. T i v u a w h f p f t r s e d. 服务员:哦!很抱歉听您这么说。这种事很少发生。我们每天从固定的供应商进货。
- Need a massive 60-inch HDTV for the rec room? 是娱乐房要一台60英寸巨大的高清晰?