- In dreams, how do I recognize real and fake lawbody or Budda? 问:在梦中或定中如何识别真假菩萨或者是真假法身?
- We cannot oppose the truth; true and false, real and fake will be redressed in time. 真理不可欺:真真假假,假假真真,真假之后,必有平衡。
- Discriminating real and fake aweto of Chinese herbs 中药冬虫夏草的真伪鉴别
- real and fake face recognition system 人脸识别
- My vision of a family was artificial and fake? 我对家庭的预想,不切实际?
- A real and sunny pleasure be fell her. 这是降临在她身上的真正和煦的幸福。
- A combination of auction fraud and fake escrow sites. 将网上拍卖诈骗与假付款网站相结合。
- Those who make counterfeit and fake products should be chastised. 那些制造和生产假冒伪劣商品的人应该受到严惩.
- Which part of the future is real and which is not? 未来那一部分真实而其他不是?
- Real and functional analysis II. 实分析与泛函分析2。
- Realness and Fakeness 真假
- These complaints were real and sensible. 这些抱怨是真实而明知(智)的。
- To show your presence With flank,real and true. 真诚、真正、真实的活出自己的风采。
- Be real and be unashamed, even of your faults. 不要对你们的缺点羞愧、要真实。
- Rabies and Parvo virus are real and deadly threats. 狂犬病和细小病毒是真正和致命的威胁。
- Falstaff is also a real and humorous magnetic personality. 福斯塔夫也是一个真实、幽默、有魅力的人物。
- The real and reliable narrator should be the narrative ego. 真正的叙述者应为叙述自我,而且是可靠的。
- Richard: I hate romantic comedies. They are always so soppy and fake. 理查德:我讨厌浪漫喜剧片。它们总是很伤感,而且不真实。
- His decision echoed in my mind and it was real and it was final. 他的决定还在我脑子里回响,这个决定可是千真万确无可挽回的了。
- Are they for real and do we just have lost the thread? 历史前辈都真实存在吗?难道我们已无力延续吗?