- Really Last Days in Geneva 日内瓦的真正最后几天
- The last days in Chicago were crowded. 在芝加哥的最后几天里,日程排得满满的。
- His daughter ministered to him in his last days. 在他最后的日子里,他女儿在旁照料。
- On one of the last days in April I was taken out of my cell and brought to the office of the prison commandant. 四月下旬的一天,我被从牢里提到典狱长办公室。
- Many international conferences are held in Geneva. 许多国际会议在日内瓦举行。
- Mr Clinton had expressed regret that he did not try to normalise relations with North Korea during his last days in office. 克林顿先生对其未能在最后的任期内促成美朝关系正常化而表示遗憾。
- The premiers of the two countries met in Geneva yesterday. 两国首相昨天在日内瓦会晤。
- He often dreams about his days in the countryside. 他常梦见在乡下的那些日子。
- There were diplomats of all nationalities in Geneva. 日内瓦有世界各国的外交官。
- He tarried for a few days in my house. 他在我家里小住了几天。
- His plane stopped to refuel in Geneva. 他的飞机在日内瓦停降加油。
- But tell of days in goodness spent. 都在说明一个善良的生命。
- The great singer ended his days in poverty. 那位大歌唱家在贫困中度过残生。
- No, summer time in Geneva is always quite nice. 不热,日内瓦的夏天总是很好的,
- The next conference will be held in Geneva. 下次会议将在日内瓦举行。
- She often harked back to her days in the countryside. 她时常谈到在乡下度过的那些日子。
- SGS Headquarter established in Geneva. 瑞士通用集团SGS总部于瑞士日内瓦成立。
- Come on, don't fib! Where were you really last night? 得了吧,不要撒谎了!昨夜你到底在哪儿?
- Talks are dragging on in Geneva. 会谈正在日内瓦持续进行中。
- This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 你该知道,末世必有危险的日子来到。