- Real Exchange Rate Volatility 实际汇率波动
- These measures demonstrate our strong commitment to the Linked Exchange Rate System and help to dampen excessive and potentially destabilising interest rate volatility. 这些措施表明金管局致力维持联系汇率制度,有助遏止利率过度波动,以致危害经济稳定。
- Industrial protection makes the real exchange rate lower than it would be otherwise. 对工业的保护使得实际汇率低于没有保护下的汇率。
- A recent study investigated the effects of real exchange rate misalignment and instability on economic performance. 最近的一项研究调查了实际汇率失调和动荡对经济实绩的影响。
- The real exchange rate was significantly increased with assurance that the new level would be maintained. 由于对维护新的汇率水平很有把握,实际汇率大大提高了。
- Between the first quarters of 1979 and 1984 the real exchange rate appreciated by 17 percent. 在1979年和1984年第一季度期间,实际汇率升值17%25。
- Thus even when the rupee's nominal rate against the weakening dollar was held down, India's real exchange rate rose because of high inflation. 因此即使卢布对弱势美元的名义汇率下降了,由于高通胀,其实际汇率也是上升的。
- The Structuralist Perspective on Real Exchange Rate, Share Price Level and Employment Path: What Room is Left for Money? 实际汇率、股价水平和就业路径的结构主义分析?
- Capital inflows from abroad and sharp increases in the world prices of key exports also cause the real exchange rate to appreciate. 资本从国外流入以及主要出口品的国际价格猛烈上升,也造成实际汇率提高。
- A devaluation leads to a real depreciation in the short run but has no effect on the real exchange rate in the long run. 贬值导致了短期内真实的跌价,但是它对长期实际汇率并无影响。
- The RE-SVAR method imposes all these direct and indirect channels to decompose the sources of real exchange rate fluctuations. 经过最大概似法的估计与检定,加拿大、法国、义大利与日本均无法拒绝本文之理论模型。
- Moreover, decisions about exchange rate policy should take into account the interlink between FDI and the real exchange rate. 此外也告诉我们,汇率政策的决定也应考虑到二者之间的相互联系。
- Michael W Klein,Scott Schuh&Robert K Triest,2000.Job Creation,Job Destruction and the Real Exchange Rate[J].NBER working paper 7466. 俞乔.;论我国汇率政策与国内经济目标的冲突及协调[J]
- If a real exchange rate one would expect to appreciate depreciates, one would also expect China to become more competitive in world markets. 如果人们预期会上升的实际汇率不升反降,那么人们也就会认为,中国在国际市场上将变得更有竞争力。
- Lothian, James R. and Mark P.Taylor. 1996.“Real Exchange Rate Behavior: The Recent Float From the Perspective of the Past Two Centuries. 本文系国家社科基金项目“东亚经济发展模式与拉美经济发展模式的比较及其与金融危机关系研究”的最终成果之一。
- This paper introduces threshold nonlinearity into RMB to investigate the relationship between real exchange rate and real interest differentials. 本文将非线形的实际汇率运动引入我国的实际汇率与实际利差两者相互关系的研究中。
- A New Look at Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows 汇率易变性与贸易流量新景象
- It was the combination of a virtually fixed nominal exchange rate with a depreciating real exchange rate that made it so. 是近乎固定的名义汇率与不断下降的实际汇率的结合,才造成了这种结果。
- Exchange Rate Volatility and Trade Flows: Date from China 汇率波动与贸易流量:来自中国的经验数据
- Based on the theory of equilibrate real exchange rate, this paper holds that the exchange rate of RMB should be more flexible to suit to shocks in the process of transition. 摘要从均衡实际汇率理论分析汇率制度,认为人民币汇率应更加弹性,以适应转轨过程中的经济冲击。