- Rattus dammermanin. 达氏家鼠
- Any of various long-tailed rodents resembling mice but larger,especially one of the genus Rattus. 鼠,家鼠似鼠但比鼠大的长尾巴啮齿动物中的任意一种,特别是属于家鼠属的动物
- Any of various long-tailed rodents resembling mice but larger, especially one of the genus Rattus. 鼠,家鼠似鼠但比鼠大的长尾巴啮齿动物中的任意一种,特别是属于家鼠属的动物
- The pregnancy rate of Rattus flavipectus, Rattus norvegicus and Mus pahari was 24.22%, 28.99% and 28.13%, respectively. 黄胸鼠、褐家鼠和锡金小鼠的妊娠率分别为 2 4.;2 2%25;2 8
- Objective To survey the parasite infection in rattus and suncus in four cities in the Delta of Zhujiang River. 目的调查珠江三角洲广州市、中山市、江门市和深圳市鼠类动物体内寄生虫的感染情况。
- Rattus norvegicus was the dominant host (77.57%), and then Tscherskia triton (13.63%) and Mus musculus (8.81%). 宿主动物构成以褐家鼠占绝对优势(77.;57%25),其次为大仓鼠(13
- Methods Rattus norvegicus and Rattus flavipectus were captured in varied periods from different areas of Zhanjiang. 方法于不同时期、不同地区捕捉黄胸鼠和褐家鼠,按全国鼠类抗药性协作组统一方法进行抗药性试验。
- Objective To observe the deratization effect to rattus with bait poisons at different periods of time. 目的为比较观察毒饵盒对家栖性鼠类不同时间段的杀灭效果。
- Conclusion The counties of Longlin and Xilin are natural plague foci of Rattus flavipestus in ... 结论广西隆林县和西林县属于黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫源地。
- HV antigen and/or antibody were only found in Rattus confucianus and Apodemus agrarius. 在捕获的9种小兽中,社鼠、黑线姬鼠中查到汉坦病毒抗原或/和抗体,其他鼠无汉坦病毒感染。
- The dominant species indoor was Rattus norvegicus in field point and Mus musculus in contrast point.Suncus murinus was the dominant spe... 结论垃圾填埋场对鼠种分布及季节消长均会产生很大的影响,但人为因素在鼠害的控制工作中更加重要。
- The study on the new-objective reactions in the Yellow breasted rats (Rattus flavipectus)was undertaken in the rooms which the rats inhabited. 在自然栖有黄胸鼠(Rattus flavipectus)的室内,观察黄胸鼠对新异物行为反应,并作了食物消耗量实验。
- Conclusion: The hosts of TD in the epidemic focus are mainly Rattus norvegicus and Apodemus agrarius.The vector of TD is Leptotrombidium scutellare. 结论:河北省恙虫病疫源地宿主为褐家鼠和黑线姬鼠,媒介为小板纤恙螨。
- Rattus norvegicus was predominant in quantity, followed by R. tanezumi, Mus musculus, and there were no other kinds of rodent. 褐家鼠占优势,其次为黄胸鼠、小家鼠,未见其他鼠种。
- Conclusion HFRS mixed focus of infection made up of non Apodemus type evolved into but Apodemus type and Rattus type merged each other. 结论混合型HFRS疫源地并不是由姬鼠型自然疫源地演变而成的,而是姬鼠型和家鼠型HFRS疫源地的重叠或重合而成。
- ResultResistance rate of Rattus flavipectus to Warfarin in Xuwen was 5%, but resistance individual of Rattus norvegicus wasn t found. 结果黄胸鼠抗性率为5%25,褐家鼠未发现抗性鼠。
- Results There 10 species in 3 families of 2 orders of the rodents were identified in the areas and Rattus flavipestus was the dominance species. 结果该地区(隆林县和西林县)啮齿动物有2目3科10种,以黄胸鼠为优势鼠种。
- Abstract: Objective: Observing the effect of phenolic acids from Arnebia euchroma assist mifepristone in anti-earlypregnancy of SD rattus norvegicus. 中文摘要: 目的:观察紫草总酚酸辅助米非司酮对妊娠大鼠的抗早孕作用。
- Results From Jindong district, Jinhua city, 2 Rattus confucianus,10 Rattus lossea and 4 Apodemus agrarius were captured. 结果在金华市金东区捕获社鼠2只,黄毛鼠10只,黑线姬鼠4只,用PCR检测结果均为阴性。
- Rattus confucianus and Apodemus peninsulae were captured only in the mountain area of Chengde located in the north of Hebei province. 社鼠和大林姬鼠仅分布在河北省北部承德山区。