- Ratio Between Trees and Shrubs 乔灌木比例
- The trees and shrubs were in full leaf. 那些树和灌木枝叶茂盛。
- Land having a cover of trees and shrubs. 林地有树和灌木作覆盖物的土地
- The valley was clothed in trees and shrubs. 树林和灌木丛覆盖着山谷。
- List of trees and shrubs in Guangdong and Guangxi. 两广乔灌木中名录。
- Asiatic and Australian aromatic trees and shrubs. 产于亚洲和澳大利亚的一个芳香乔木和灌木属。
- Chalazogamy is seen in certain trees and shrubs, e.g. beech. 在一些树木和灌木中比较常见,例如山毛榉。
- A dense growth of small trees and shrubs in the Mediterranean area. 地中海地区茂密的小树林和灌木丛林
- There are many big trees and shrubs in Penfold Park. 彭福公园中有很多巨大的树和海藻林。
- Family of more or less advanced dicotyledonous trees and shrubs and herbs. 或多或少先进的双子叶乔木灌木和草本植物科。
- Antitranspirants are often used in transplanting certain trees and shrubs. 抗蒸腾剂是某些树木和灌木移植时常用的药剂。
- Tropical trees and shrubs with aromatic leaves and often valuable hard wood. 长有芬芳的叶子和一般是昂贵的硬木的热带的乔木和灌木。
- The difference between trees and houses is that houses are built but trees grow,and anything which grows is always more beautiful to look at than anything which is built. 树木和房屋的分别就是: 房屋是人类建筑的,而树木是生长起来的;而生长起来的东西总是比建筑起来的东西更为美观。
- Type genus of the Rhizophoraceae; a small genus of tropical trees and shrubs. 红树的模式属;热带乔木和灌木的小属。
- Ratio between Cut Length and Circumference. 裁切长度与裁刀圆周长之比率。
- Perhaps the only road through the trees and shrubs of the uninhabited area. 道路或许是唯一能穿越没有树木和灌木的荒无人烟地区。
- Ratio between Peak Rotary Speed and In-feed Speed. 在同一次裁切循环当中,裁刀速度的最大值与进料速度的比率。
- Mulches prevent the trunks of trees and shrubs from damage by lawn equipment. 覆盖物可以防止乔灌木树干被草坪设备伤害。
- The ratio between export and import price indices. 出口和进口价格指数之间的比率。
- Variation of Wood properties within a tree and between trees and clones has been dis- cussed with Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake of 8 - year - old as material. 以8年生尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla S.;T