- Rank in Supplier List Page 站内供应商页搜索排名
- He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society. 他几乎不与和他身分相同的人交往。
- Hotel is rank in order of luxury in the guidebook. 指南手册中,饭店根据其豪华程度被划分成不同的等级。
- Rank in Product List Page 站内产品页搜索排名
- Have experience in supplier management. 有供应商管理的经验。
- A bishop of highest rank in a province or country. 首席主教,大主教一省或一国内职位最高的主教
- Taxis stood in a rank in front of the station. 出租车在车站前排成一列。
- Xxx traffic rank in other countries. 网站在各国流量排。
- Take ge of rept fms, supplier list management, file ders/contracts. 完成采购相关报表,建立供应商目录与档案,做好订单、合同归档管理工作.
- This means it needs to rank in the top two pages. 这意味着它需要排列在名列前茅二页。
- A nobleman of the highest rank in Spain or Portugal. 大公西班牙或葡萄牙最高贵族
- He rarely mingle with persons of his own rank in society. 他几乎不与和他身分相同的人交往。
- This use case also starts at the CD listing page. 这个使用案例也是在CD清单页面上启动的。
- A military officer of the highest rank in some countries. 元帅,最高指挥官某些国家最高军衔的军队官员
- A similar rank in another military or paramilitary organization. 同少校官阶者在其他军事或者准军事组织中的相同军衔
- Why, with such rank in the learned world, had he come hither? 他既然在学术界地位如此之高,为什么要到这里来呢?
- What's your rank in your class? I rank number two in my class. 你在班上排名多少?我在班上排名第二。
- Military officer of the highest rank in some countries. 元帅,最高指挥官某些国家最高军衔的军队官员。
- Draft, improve and implement the work instructions of supplier quality control in accordance with the company's supplier list. 按照供应商手册,制订并完善供应商质量控制的相关作业指导书,并负责协调执行作业指导书。
- If you are having difficulties upgrading, you should first obtain the source tarball for fink (version 0.14.0 Or later) at the SourceForge File List page for Fink. 如果你在升级上发生困难;首先你应该从SourceForge的Fink文件清单页面获取fink(版本0.;14