- artificial rain and snow enhancement 人工增雨雪
- Clouds usually precipitate as rain and snow. 云常会凝结成雨或雪。
- Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather. 下雨和下雪是天气现象。
- Visibility 2km in rain and snow. 能见度2公里,有雨和雪。
- There was adequate rain and snow last winter. 去年冬天雨雪充足。
- More rain and snow fall on Greenland in the winter. 现在格陵兰冬天的降雨和降雪都增加了。
- Rain and snow do not penalize your Spot and Search checks. 你的侦察和搜寻检定不再因雨和雪受到处罚。
- Rain and snow enhancement 人工增雨雪
- Rain and snow don't penalize your Spot and Search checks. 你的侦察和搜寻检定不再因雨和雪受到处罚。
- More rain and snow is expected in the northeast today. 预计今天东北部还会有更多的雨雪天气。
- The field troop is marching hurriedly in the cold rain and snow. 野战部队正在冒着寒冷的雨雪急行军。
- Wind scatters pollutants, and rain and snow wash them into the ground. 风可以驱散污染物,雨、雪可以把污染物冲洗到地面。
- There is no town for miles and miles but tents in a row; Beyond the desert there's nothing but rain and snow. 野云万里无城郭,雨雪纷纷连大漠。
- The rain and snow that washed down the mountains into Lake Otero carried gypsum with it. 雨水和雪水在冲刷了山脉之后携带着石膏注入到安大略湖。
- So we need friends, we need to accompany us through the wind, frost, rain and snow people. 所以我们需要朋友,我们需要可以陪伴我们走过风霜雨雪的人。
- Rescuers are fighting rain and snow to try to find a missing New Mexico State police helicopter. 搜救人员冒着雨雪,正在试图找到一架失踪的新墨西哥州警用直升机。
- Scarce rain and snow in winter, windy spring drought, rainfall concentrated in summer and autumn, autumn. 冬季雨雪稀少,春季干旱多风,夏季雨量集中,秋季秋高气爽。
- It never often rains and snows in winter in Beijing. 北京的冬天不会经常下雨下雪。
- Further disruption is expected across the UK later with the arrival of a winter storm bringing rain and snow. 进一步的破坏后来随着带来雨并且雪的一场冬日暴风雨的来临在整个英国被预计.
- California police officer and two other hikers have disappeared in the Mountains near Fresno and now there's heavy rain and snow. 一名加利福尼亚警官和其他两名徒步旅行者在弗列斯诺附近的山中失踪。