- Ragnar Lundberg 隆德贝里
- Lundberg, M.Krishnamoorthy, Mink H.Stavenga. 书名/作者 Tourism Economics /Donald E.
- Lundberg ;Jule Wilkinson, editor. 作者声明: Donald E.
- Berlin Zoo spokeswoman Ragnar Kuehne said each pill for 3-ton Bulette was the size of a bread roll. 柏林动物园的女发言人拉格纳.库内表示,三吨重的布列德服用的每颗药丸都相当一个小圆面包这麽大。
- Ragnar?k is an important event in the Norse canon, and has been the subject of scholarly discourse and theory. 诸神的黄昏在北欧神话里是一个重要的经典事件,并一直是学术界和理论界的研究主题。
- Ragnar Hellenius, chief financial officer and deputy CEO said: “I am very pleased to confirm that I have spoken to Petter over the phone. 相反,这辆已被释放,从机场控股设施,以阿姆斯特丹酒店,在那里他已经能够征询律师讲管理,在他的公司。
- "It's unlikely we'll see a large drop again in average pump prices in the near future," Lundberg said. 朗德伯格说:“在不远的将来我们不太可能看到油品零售价格会有很大的下跌。”
- The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular is $2.05, the Lundberg Survey found. 伦德伯格调查发现,自助加油的平均油价一般是每加仑2.;05美元。
- According to the Lundberg Survey , the average price of a gallon of regular was $3.85 Friday. 根据朗伯格调查;星期五通常每加仑汽油的平均价格是3.;85美金。
- Then the Lundberg inequality and the formula of the ruin probability are obtained. 得出伦德伯格不等式和最终破产概率公式。
- According to the Lundberg Survey, the average price of a gallon of regular was $3.85 Friday. 据龙伯格调查,周五每加仑的均价为3.;85美元。
- Norbert A.Ebler,Ragnar Arnason,Gerd Michaelis,and Noel DSa.Tension Control:Dancer Rolls or Load Cells[J].IEEE Transactions Industry Application,1993,29 (4):272. 沈红卫.;无张力传感器的恒张力控制系统研究[J]
- Barring an unexpected drop in crude oil prices, more increases are possible as the high-demand summer driving season approaches, Lundberg said. Lundberg说:除非始料未及的原油价格回落,随着夏天-高驾车季节的临近,汽油价格还可能会上涨。
- Next, Lundberg and his coworkers placed saliva from people who had ingested nitrate tablets onto the inside surface of the stomachs of rats. 接下来,隆伯格和他同事收集服食硝酸盐锭者的唾液,然后放到大鼠的胃壁上。
- The Lundberg average closely approximates the $2.052-a-gallon daily average compiled by motorist group AAA, as of Sunday. 截至周日,伦德伯格调查的均价非常接近于由美国汽车协会得出的每日均价2.;052美元每加仑。
- Frost, P. J. , Moore, L. F. , Louis, M. R., Lundberg, &J. Martin, J. (1999), Reframing organizational culture. , Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.. 许锦文(2003);学校文化与社区文化互动之研究:台湾一所乡村国中的个案分析;国立中正大学教育研究所;硕士论文;未出版.
- According to the Lundberg Survey, the average price of a gallon of regular was $3.85 Friday.That's down almost 15 cents from two weeks ago. 伦德伯格公司的调查显示,周五,普通汽油平均零售价为每加仑3.;85美元,比两个星期之前下跌约15美分。
- Because children from single-parent homes are more likely to be poor,this is bad news for girls said Lundberg,who is director of the university's Center for Research on Families. 身为华盛顿大学家庭研究中心主任,雪莉指出,由于未婚母亲的生活水平通常比较低,因此对于生活在这种家庭的女孩子来说,这样的研究结论无疑是个坏消息。
- The national Lundberg Survey put a gallon of gas at $2.47, the cheapest place for gas is Cheyenne, Wyoming, where it will cost you $2.16 a gallon to fill up. 据伦德伯格调查公司的调查每加仑汽油为2.;47美元,汽油价格最便宜的地区是怀俄明州的夏延,花上2
- Crude oil prices are rising and the summer driving season still has a month to go, both of which should prevent gas prices from falling much further, Lundberg said. 朗德伯格说:原有价格一直在攀升,并且夏天的出行时季还有一个月才会结束,这二者都会防止油价在以后跌得太凶。