- Integrated Radome Antenna Structure 整体有罩天线结构
- Radome Antenna Structure 雷达天线罩结构
- Finally,it is deduced that CAE software will play more important role in antenna structure design. 阐述了CAE软件将在天线结构设计中发挥的重要作用。
- Morphological study inferred, two strains are identical in twenty-four important morphological characteristics on body color, antenna structure, setae on fore wing, etc. 形态学研究表明,两个品系的雌成虫在体色、触角结构、前翅毛列等26个重要形态学特征上没有明显差异。
- Computer Aided Design(CAD)/Computer Aided Engineering(CAE) integrated modeling method used in Large-Scale Antenna Structure(LSAS) performance analysis was proposed. 以大型天线结构为研究对象,提出并实现了一种CAD/CAE集成建模方法。
- To obtain the MIMO capacity gains in indoor NLOS environment, antenna interval and antenna structure should be considered jointly when designing the antenna array. 在非视距的室内环境中,要实现最大的MIMO容量增益,设计天线阵列时应该对天线间隔和阵列阵形综合考虑。
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)/Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) integrated modeling method used in Large-Scale Antenna Structure (LSAS) performance analysis was proposed. 以大型天线结构为研究对象,提出并实现了一种CAD/CAE集成建模方法。
- The cavity model is used to divide antenna structure into five regions in order to compute antenna parameters such as resonant frequency, electric field and radiation patterns. 其中空腔模式分析法将天线结构分成五区以处理其共振频率,电场及辐射场等各种天线参数。
- And on this basis, the finite element model of case typed radar antenna structure integrated with plate unit and entity unit was established on the basis of handling method of coupling and constraint equations. 并在此基础上,基于耦合和约束方程处理方法,建立了板单元和实体单元相结合的箱体式雷达天线结构有限元模型。
- The present invent ion utilizes the top loading technique and the smooth tapering technique to create the design of a compact and built-in antenna which will provide a planar antenna structure with broad bandwidth and high radiation efficiency. 馈入传输线的宽度大致与渐变带段的底边同宽,且顶边与渐变带段的底边密接,而底边藕接至频电路。
- In this study, we propose several novel designs of CPW-fed broadband circularly polarized (CP) antenna.Besides, we also discuss each kind of our proposed antenna structures. 本论文提出几种新型共面波导馈入式宽频带圆形极化天线,并针对每种不同类型的天线结构进行探讨。
- Manifold results are provided for antenna structural finite element analysis through secondary development and research to postprocessor of finite element. 通过对有限元后处理功能的二次开发与研究,开发出了简捷方便的用户交互界面,为天线结构有限元分析提供多种类型的结果。
- Robust Optimization Design of an Antenna Structure 天线结构的稳健优化设计
- Static Analysis of Radar Antenna Structure 雷达天线结构静力分析
- Integrated Radar Dome Antenna Structure 一体化雷达天线罩天线结构
- Integrated Radome Antenna 整体有罩天线
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- Reception improved because of the new antenna. 接受效果因有新天线而得到改善。
- Radome Antenna 整流罩天线
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。