- Radiative transition rates 辐射跃迁几率
- radiative transition rate 辐射跃迁几率
- Total radiative transition probability of ~3H_4 energy levelrises evidently and lifetime of ~3H_4 energy level dps sharply. ~3H_4辐射几率增大,能级寿命明显降低。
- Using a potential model with relativistic correction we evaluated the spectrum, le-pton decay widths and radiative transition widths of heavy quarkonium systems. 本文用考虑了相对论修正的势模型计算重夸克偶素的能谱、轻子宽度和辐射跃迁宽度。
- We study the effect of active/sleep transition rates, traffic load, and error rate on those performance metrics. 我们研究作用/睡眠转移速率,流量负载,与错误率对于该等效能指标之影响。
- A new high-speed TLB architecture is designed for accelerating the address transition rate from linear address to physical one in micro processors. 摘要 为了加快微处理器中线性地址向物理地址转换的速度,提出了一种高速TLB结构。
- Van Doorn (1991) explained how quasi stationary distributions for an absorbing birth death process could be determined from the transition rates of the process. 说明在一个有吸收态的生灭过程中;如何用过程的转移概率来确定拟平稳分布.
- We give the asynchronous exponential growth of a genetics model with age dependence,where the transition rate and the fertility rate depend on the density of total genetics. 本文给出一类基因种群年龄依赖非线性模型当基因转移率和合成率均依赖基因总数时的偏指数增长性,主要工具是共轭扰动半群.
- Forbidden transitions are those for which dipole radiative transitions are not allowed by the selection rules. 禁戒跃迁指的是选择定则所不容许的偶极辐射跃迁。
- radiative transition probability 辐射跃迁概率
- Thus,notonly the dramatic retardation of the E2 transition rate at the backbending can be reasona-bly used as a criterion for establishing the shape transition,but also the interplay ofnuclear deformation and pair correlation can be clearly shown. 这样;不仅表明 E_2跃迁在回弯处的强烈减弱可以合理地作为确定原子核形状相变的一个判据;而且原子核形变和对关联的交织也能够清楚地显示出来.
- radiative transition with emission of gamma quantum 量子辐射跃迁
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- These houses are exempt from paying rates. 这些房子是免付捐税的。
- The damage was inflicted upon them in transit. 其损失发生在运输过程中。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- The goods were damaged in transit. 货物在运输过程中被损坏。
- The worst part of the ocean transit was now over. 远洋航程里最困难的一段已经过去了。