- Radiation Damage Protection 辐射损伤防护
- Hero is immune to passive radiation damage. 英雄免疫天然辐射。
- Large amounts of UV radiation damage the DNA in skin cells and can even lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen protection should begin during the car trip to the holiday destination. 大量的紫外线照射损害皮肤细胞的DNA甚至会导致皮肤癌。我们应该从旅行开始到度假目的地进行全程遮光保护。
- Large amounts of U radiation damage the DNA in skin cells and can een lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen protection should begin during the car trip to the holiday destination. 大量的紫外线照射损害皮肤细胞的DNA甚至会导致皮肤癌。我们应该从旅行开始到度假目的地进行全程遮光保护。
- It includes prevent-sunshine, effectively screen ultraviolet radiation damage, from headwaters, to protect skin, control growing of melanin, give the soft and white, brilliant effect to skin. 蕴含防晒成份有效屏蔽紫外线伤害,从源头开始对肌肤的保护,抑制黑色素产生,赋予肌肤柔嫩白皙,光泽动人的效果。
- Moreover, our heat resistance masking film is widely employed for damage protection use during vacuum forming. 同时,耐高温形遮蔽胶带,防止在真空成形时产生划痕时,也被广泛应用。
- Abstract: A method of enhancing radiation damage for JFET-input op-amps has been studied in this paper. 摘 要: 本文对结型场效应管JFET输入运算放大器的增强辐射损伤方法进行了研究。
- Af-ter thermal annealing about 60% of radiation damage induced by implantation can be restored. 在热退火后,约60%25的注入引起的辐射损伤可以得到恢复。
- The time dependence of radiation damage in bipolar op-amps is studied through a series of radiation experiments. 摘要通过一系列辐照实验对双极运放辐射损伤的时间相关性进行了研究。
- Only irradiated at much lower dose-rate,does the radiation damage of the transistors increase significantly. 而在高温辐照条件下,即使辐照剂量率较高,其辐射损伤也有显著的差异。
- Objective: To observe the effect of chinese angelica injectionon the immunological function in the mice with radiation damage. 目的:观察当归注射液对辐射损伤小鼠免疫功能的作用。
- This paper reviewed the effects of radiation damage on erythrocyte membrane in membrane composition, membrane function and oxidation resistance system. 本文就红细胞的膜组分、膜功能以及抗氧化体系等方面介绍了辐射对红细胞膜的损伤效应。
- Radiation damage in W has been studied as a function of irradiation dose by heavy ion simulation and positron annihilation lifetime measurement. 采用重离子辐照模拟方法和正电子湮没寿命测量技术研究了钨辐射损伤随辐照剂量的变化。
- However,while irradiated at elevated temperatures,even the irradiation dose-rate is higher,the radiation damage of the ... 最后,讨论了这种效应可能的内在机制。
- Experimentation indicates: under the same radiation dose, ionizing radiation damage at low dose rate is more than that at high dose rate. 试验表明:在相同辐射剂量下,低剂量率辐照损伤比高剂量率大。
- Isotopes with long half-lives have many uses in medicine and industry, but they must be handled and disposed of with great care, in case they cause radiation damage. 半衰期长的同位素在医学和工业方面有许多用途,但必须极其慎重而严格地控制和处理,以免招致辐射的伤害。
- Radiation proctopathy is symptomatic radiation damage to the lining of the rectum, which commonly occurs with radiotherapy for prostate cancer, explain Bin Teh, from The Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, and colleagues. 美国科学家指出,治疗前列腺癌的临床医生应当考虑放射性直肠炎的可能,特别是放射治疗剂量递增时,并呼吁加强研究以助指导临床治疗。
- The protective effect of traditional Chinese medicine on lymphocytes and DNA in resistance to ionizing radiation damage is discussed histologically, biochemically and histo chemically. 用组织学、生物化学、组织化学方法探讨中药在抗电离幅射损伤中对淋巴细胞、DNA保护作用。
- For this study, cells treated immediately after irradiation with JP4-039 demonstrated significant radioprotection, suggesting a potential role for the drug as a mitigator of radiation damage. 此次研究中,细胞被辐射后即刻借助JP4-039药物进行治疗,呈现出明显的抗辐射特征,说明该药物具备抗辐射破坏的潜力,可作为一种缓和剂来用。
- The authors confirm their findings by showing that chemical or genetic preention of gyrase inhibitor-induced oxidatie damage protects from the bactericidal action of quinolone antibiotics. 使用化学或基因学的方法防止回旋酶抑制剂诱导的氧化损伤,即可对喹诺酮类抗生素的杀菌作用产生保护作用,研究者们由此证实了他们的发现。