- 抑郁症患者REM睡眠研究REM sleep in depression
- )rem睡眠的长短的确会随著年龄而改变。) The amount of time spent in REM does change over an individual's life, however.
- 睡眠slumber
- 然而REM睡眠,却是众所皆知的包于谜团中的谜中之谜。REM sleep, however, is the proverbial riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
- rem睡眠还会大大影响脑中控制著体内器官的几个系统。REM sleep also profoundly affects brain systems that control the body's internal organs.
- REM睡眠剥夺后大鼠脑组织氨基酸类神经递质含量的变化Effects of REM Sleep Deprivation on Amino- acid Neurotransmitter Contents in Rat Brain
- 睡眠不足undersleep
- 罗夫渥格发现,阻止猫在发育早期的rem睡眠,会造成视觉系统发育异常。Roffwarg found that preventing REM sleep in cats during this early period can lead to abnormalities in the development of the visual system.
- 睡眠时间sleep
- REM做梦REM dreaming
- 充足的睡眠有益于健康。Plenty of sleep is healthful.
- 他的鼾声打扰了我们的睡眠。His snore disturbed our sleep.
- 在冬天许多动物都处于睡眠状态。Many animals are in a dormant state during winter.
- 儿童需要较多的睡眠。Children want plenty of sleep.
- 睡眠障碍somnipathy
- 他以睡眠打发一个炎热的下午。He slumbered away a hot afternoon.
- 我需要睡眠。I need some sleep.
- 睡眠使他把烦恼暂置脑后。Sleep was a balm to his troubles.
- 睡眠的sleepful
- 催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis.