- The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p.h. 该赛车的时速为一百六十英里。
- It delivers a power output of a maximum power of 160 kW (218 bhp), with an increase of 33 hp compared to the production engine that equips the 207 RC. 它提供了一个输出功率最大的输出功率为160千瓦(218马力)与增加了33马力相比;生产的发动机;装备了207钢筋.
- App. Rc - The resource script file of a program.app. rc;该文件是程序的资源脚本文件。
- The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p. h. 该赛车的时速为160英里。
- Resource. H - A generated include file for app. Rc.resource. h;该文件是为app
- Q: When did you start flying RC helicopter? 问:你什么时候开始飞遥控直生机的?
- In 160 years, there were near hand 50 popes. 在160年里,大约有五十们教皇。
- Here are cheques worth 160 pounds. 孙: 这些是价值一共160英镑的支票。
- RC:[Wow, that was actually quite liberating. [哇,这可真是解放了。
- The film took an epic 160 days to film. 这部电影拍摄长达160天。
- RC flying is a good learning process for Bandon. 遥控飞行对小童铭也是一个很好的学习过程。
- The wrestler was weighed in at 160 pounds. 摔跤手在角斗前称了体重,是160磅。
- RC:It's called a phylactery, and no, you can't. 那叫命匣,而且不,你不能。
- It is rare to see a man over 160 years old. 很少见到一个人能活到160岁。
- RC:And after that, THEN am I an honorary hobgoblin? 那之后呢,我/就/是一个名誉大地精了么?
- About 160 nations participate in the CCITT. 约有160个国家加入了国际电报电话咨询委员会。
- Yang YC, Zhang WY, Lin RC and Yang XS, 2008. 杨彦承、张炜银、林瑞昌、杨秀森,2008。
- Medibank first choice extra $160 per year. 包含%24200眼睛,%24300牙齿,另外包含一年两次免费洗牙!
- When did you start flying RC helicopter? 问:你什么时候开始飞遥控直生机的?
- Series 995 must be installed in a horizontal position. 系列995必须安装在水平位置。