- We set up a digital system to get time series of heart R R interval and neuron s activities for adapting to the use of nonlinear method in electrophysiology. 目的:为适应非线性科学与电生理学的结合,需要在动物实验中直接提取心电R-R间期和动作电位的峰峰间期等时间序列并存储下来以便于进一步分析研究。
- I N I S H . r E S E t . E r r o r . 开始写入保存参数。保存完毕,显示(有如下三种可能):
- Thats so ugly I want to cry r R??? 如此丑陋,真想大哭!???忉?
- In all patients there were 30 cases of sinus bradycardia(15.46%),10 cases of prolongation of P R interval(5.15%),6 cases of escape beat rhythm(3.0%),and 16 cases of prolongation of Q T interval(8.25%). 窦性心动过缓 30例 (15 .;46%25 );P- R间期延长者 10例 (5
- P R interval and QRS time limit of LBBB groups was longer than that of RBBB group (P <0.01). The authors also found that severe ventricular arrhythmias was seen in those with organic-cardiac diseases with poor prognosis. 最快心率时P-R间期和QRS波时限LBBB组>RBBB组,并发现严重室性心律失常均发生于器质性心脏病者,其预后较差。
- Cleavage site amino acid sequence is 112 R R Q R 116 R 117 F. 其裂解位点的氨基酸序列为112R-R-Q-R-116R-117F;
- J a m e s M o r r i s o n I set up this group just wanna more p... 去广西出差,电视台安排的酒店分外豪华,电视一律是数字点播系统,我多年租房许久没研...
- O R R E C T I O N -- MediaTek Inc./ JewelleryNetAsia to Exhibit at JCK La... 曾是全球范规最大的美国通用汽车集团周一申请破产保护,希望可以能够重组公司。
- That was r r first meeting.He tried to get me to become one of his followers. A: 那天为第一次见面, 他约我来请我加入他的跟随者, 但教唆不了我。
- Vander H R R W J,Soeters P B.Glutamine and the preservation of gut integrity[J].Lancet,1993,341:1363. 彭淑梅;王淑珍;高薇薇;等.;西沙比利治疗危重症并胃肠功能衰竭的临床探讨[J]
- A ?T O .N A A .A ?L R .Y ?A E .E E .S M E A .I ?E A .?S D .X Y .L O N .C R ?R R T 0 9 ?D B ?, , ., . 本站免费电影;提供最新的免费电影在线观看;所有免费电影地址收集于网络;仅做宽带测试.;相关版权归原著作权人所有
- N K R .K T S N .O N E .X T E D .E M E .O E E D .M N E .D R R .E S N .N N K .E T E E .E R M S . 评论载入中,请稍后.....观看次数:特别声明:本站纯属影视爱好者的个人网站,所有影视均来源于互联网和其它娱乐网站所提供的影片链接,仅供宽带网用户低品质测试和影视交流影片版权归相关影音公司所有。
- Hartmann R R K &James G. Dictionary of Lexicography. London, New York: Rutledge, 1998. 魏向清,张柏然.;新世纪词典学理论研究趋势展望
- Input R R * Number, enter, the first result is a result of the second test result is (when unit RUF). 输入R*R个数, 回车,第一个result是结果,第二个result是验证(当 为单位阵)。
- E G T S W Y O T C S H R R .E R F R T M S N Y A S E R N A E .H S E T S E G G Y S E G T S W Y O T C S H R R . 本片以最近的研究成果与最新考古学发现为基础,结合现代拍摄与动画技术进行重建,本片将古埃及的智慧结晶重现出来,不仅说明这个遗迹是如何与为何如此伟大,并且透过剧情背景重建的方式,让一位名为纳克特的年轻埃及人来述说这段故事;
- Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval. 迟到者在休息时间方可入场。
- A brief, indefinite interval of time. 瞬间一个短暂的、不确定的时间间隔
- Recker R R, Smith R T, Kimmel D B. Loss of trabecular connectivity in osteoporosis emonstrated with independent me-thods[J]. Bone, 1993,A28. 李华宁;区品中.;老年人骨质疏松性髋部骨折骨密度危险阈值的研究[J]
- There is an hour's interval to the next train. 下一火班车还要过一小时才开。
- Wang Y,Wang Z K,Xu W J,Yang R R,Xu D X.2004.The Effects of cold acclimation on mitochondrial respiration of liver in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri). 王颖;王政昆;徐伟江;杨仁尧;许冬星.;2004