- R&D organizational model 研发组织模式
- I work with R%26D, stay in kab akk day. 我是做研究工作的,每天呆在实验室里,很少活动。
- A wo r d spoken i s past r ecal l i ng. 一言既出,驷马难追。
- Erickson R W, Cuk S and Middlebrook R D. 丘水生;陈艳峰;伍言真.
- Nowadays, many high-tech enterprises have a low R&D efficiency, because of the mismatched R&D organizational mode. 目前,许多高科技企业存在研发效率不高的问题,其中研发组织模式的选择与自身组织条件的不匹配是重要原因之一。
- W, i g t t u t m t h o p. A a, w c y r d w b o d e t m m m? 他们用钱来帮助别人是件好事啊.;毕竟,这数亿美元除了钱生钱,还能干嘛呢?
- M 1: I s w a M t d . E s h m i h o a , H b l w H r d l w a a . 妈妈1:我现在非常担心我的儿子马克,自从他搬进自己的公寓,他的体重一直在下降,他看起来真的不太健康。
- M i c r o s o f t W o r d - r e c o r d - 4 - 2 6 - 9 3 0 4 ... 九十三年四月一日参加教育部技专校院授与副学士学位配套措施会议,各校须配合事项如.下:.壹、学位授与法部分条文修订草案.一、自中华民国九十三年一月十六日总统府...
- A1:If wear it indiea,noone will know u r d superman... 回答一:穿在里面了,谁知道你是超人?
- I am looking for an electone organ model ELX1m, in good working shape, t... 小易老师!在中国电子琴在线论坛给你留言好长时间了,你都没有回复!请在百忙中去...
- Malone R D, Mroz T H. Geologic Analysis of Gas Hydrate Deposite. SPE 15224. 石油工业天然气科技情报协作组.;国外非常规天然气调研(内部)
- Secondly, this article uses SWOT method to discuss Feasibility of structuring virtual R & D organization of China"s automobile industry. 其次,应用SWOT方法分析了我国汽车工业构建虚拟研发组织的可行性。
- On the Innovation in Organizational Model of Oil Enterprises--Reflections and Practice on the Organizational Restructuring of PetroChina Changqing Petrochemical Branch Co. 试论石化企业的组织模式创新--中油长庆石化组织重构的思考与实践。
- Based on such research for the constructing mode and organizational model, the actualized strategies of establishing the information commons can finally be come into shape. 通过对信息共享空间构建模式与组织模型的研究,最终形成了关于构建信息共享空间的实施策略的思想。
- The establishment of the information system is the problem related to everything in establishment and management of the virtual R&D organization(VR&DO). 信息系统的构建是虚拟研发组织构建与管理中的一个全局性问题。
- We l ook f or wa r d t o r e a c t i v a t i ng our bus i ne s s r e l a t i ons hi p. 众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。
- Riggs R D,Wrather J A.Biology and Management of the Soybean Cyst Nematode[M].USA,Minnesota:APS Press,992. 王昌家;张新德;刘杏忠;等.;淡紫拟青霉菌料防治大豆胞囊线虫的后效研究[J]
- CRONIN K A,CROW R D,EVANKO W A.Purification of hydrochloric acid:US 5766565[P].1998-06-16. 廖洪流;李凤仪.;二甲基二氯硅烷水解工艺比较[C]
- The theorist and entrepreneurs are all concerned about the problem of organizational model adapted by the pharmaceutical industry,there are different views on it between the theory and practice. 医药产业在进行技术创新活动中采用何种组织形式一直是理论界和商界共同关心的问题,在理论与实践上存在着不同的看法。
- Staub N C,Bland R D,Brigham K L,et al.Preparation of chronic lu ng lymph fistulas in sheep.J Surg Res,1975,19:315-320. 陈元芳,陆国钧,侯雪,等.血管活性肠肽的放射免疫分析.中华核医学杂志,1986,6(1):1820.