- I work with R%26D, stay in kab akk day. 我是做研究工作的,每天呆在实验室里,很少活动。
- A wo r d spoken i s past r ecal l i ng. 一言既出,驷马难追。
- Erickson R W, Cuk S and Middlebrook R D. 丘水生;陈艳峰;伍言真.
- Rod Coombs. Core competencies and the strategic management of R&D, R&D Management, 26.4, 1996, 345-354. 魏江.;企业核心能力的内涵与本质;管理工程学报;1999(1)
- A.J.Bailetti and J.R.Chllahan(1993). The coordination structure of international collaborative technology arrangements[J]. R&D Management 23,2,1993. 严基河.;现代企业研究开发与技术创新[M]
- Riggs R D,Wrather J A.Biology and Management of the Soybean Cyst Nematode[M].USA,Minnesota:APS Press,992. 王昌家;张新德;刘杏忠;等.;淡紫拟青霉菌料防治大豆胞囊线虫的后效研究[J]
- IPD (Integrated Product Development) is a latest R &D management mode which has been paid more and more attention in the high-tech industries all over the world in recent years. IPD(集成产品开发)是近年来在国内外高科技行业倍受关注的一种全新的研发管理模式。
- W, i g t t u t m t h o p. A a, w c y r d w b o d e t m m m? 他们用钱来帮助别人是件好事啊.;毕竟,这数亿美元除了钱生钱,还能干嘛呢?
- M 1: I s w a M t d . E s h m i h o a , H b l w H r d l w a a . 妈妈1:我现在非常担心我的儿子马克,自从他搬进自己的公寓,他的体重一直在下降,他看起来真的不太健康。
- M i c r o s o f t W o r d - r e c o r d - 4 - 2 6 - 9 3 0 4 ... 九十三年四月一日参加教育部技专校院授与副学士学位配套措施会议,各校须配合事项如.下:.壹、学位授与法部分条文修订草案.一、自中华民国九十三年一月十六日总统府...
- A1:If wear it indiea,noone will know u r d superman... 回答一:穿在里面了,谁知道你是超人?
- KLASSEN R D,MCLAUGHLIN C P.The Impact of Environmental Management on Firm Performance[J].Management Science,1996,42:1199-1214. 吴正钢;韩玉启;周业铮.;企业能力指数测评模型[J]
- The factory was put back on its feet through the joint efforts d management and workers. 该厂通过管理部门和工人的共同努力,又再度振兴起来。
- Malone R D, Mroz T H. Geologic Analysis of Gas Hydrate Deposite. SPE 15224. 石油工业天然气科技情报协作组.;国外非常规天然气调研(内部)
- "Controlling oxygen is crucial to satisfying wine consumers," said John Cunningham, R&D manager of G3 Enterprises Closure Division. “控制是至关重要的氧气满足葡萄酒消费者表示, ”坎宁安,研发经理的G3企业封闭司。
- MNC company is urgently looking for Senior R&D Manager in ShenzhenSenior R&D Manager / R&D Manager - Electroni...... ... 公司名称:上海杰迈晶雅人力资源有限公司广州分公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-5-21
- Job Description Job Title: R&D Manager Department: R&D Beverage A.P. JOB PURPOSE Support all business projectREPORTING ...... ... 公司名称:广州市泰伦企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-7-25
- Can CAS develop R&D managers with the skills and training for managing interdisciplinary teams in an increasingly international environment? 在日益国际化的环境中,中科院能否培养出具有管理多学科团队的技巧和素养的研发管理人员?
- We l ook f or wa r d t o r e a c t i v a t i ng our bus i ne s s r e l a t i ons hi p. 众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。
- CRONIN K A,CROW R D,EVANKO W A.Purification of hydrochloric acid:US 5766565[P].1998-06-16. 廖洪流;李凤仪.;二甲基二氯硅烷水解工艺比较[C]